Kudos to another killer APP. I joined you on this one, before I saw any links in the forum or otherwise. Some of you should be getting news in your current email soon about my new forum (my first ever, by the way) and it's called Environmental Products & Services.
If it's not in your email, you can find it in forums -> Business. Please feel free to read, post or comment as you see fit. Also, since it's my first forum, any advice on running one of these critters is always welcome, ok?!
As for UBIEE, I don't have time right now to look at their other services, but will look at it tomorry morn after I take a quick nap. But, tonight, I'm going to be volunteering at a homeless shelter here in Lexington. They need all the help they can get when the temp gets below freezing, as it will tonight. Keep us in your prayers.
Until I see you guys again tomorrow, have a great evening and Ipower2Ya!
- - Your Friend,
Benton Middleton, @