Hello Daniel,
I am following along on lesson two. I very much enjoyed your easy to follow and great explanations, especially the why's, html was named and how it works, writing to other computers and how the browser reads this information to show up. I did not really understand this - I just learned to use these instructions.- yet would never been able to explain why..
I did my first pages using geocities and the drop and drag formular, then as I got more experienced I was able to start sorting out from reading from other peoples 'source page' (that would let me) - and copying their frames, what they had in them and adapting with my own information.
I would copy and paste from this first page for my next page and built up from there. It has been a long and slow, yet rewarding lessons. I went back over my old pages to redo and change the look. I use to do all my pages from the website, now that I have my own website I use notepad and keep a copy in my folder to edit.
Kind regards Amanda