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Beryl Payton

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Re: I pray that these words will comfort the hearts of everyone that sees them.--A Daily Prayer
11/15/2007 4:47:58 AM

Hi Sharon,

Thank you for sharing this lovely prayer with me.  You are in my prayers.

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Sharon Lee

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Re: I pray that these words will comfort the hearts of everyone that sees them.--A Daily Prayer
11/15/2007 9:14:04 AM

Thank you Carla and Beryl.

 Please keep Lucky in Prayers. To keep his strength and fight this more than anything. He is bummed out and angry. The first step of this type of new's and is normal.

I "Reminded" him of all the times the Doctors have been wrong in our life. That helps. We have always believed in the natural way and will continue this.

Peace everyone. Sharon



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