Hi Bogdan,
I have to agree with Janet. VERY timely...
Perseverance IS the one common thread that ALL succesful people share, and if you disagree, ask anyone who quit what their results were...
I should add a caveat to that statement though.. It is knowing what race to run, what project to persevere at, which system to devote your energies to that often determines your outcome.
People get discouraged too easily, and often in looking at their mistakes fail to see their successes. Every lesson learned, every advancement is a success. Crossing the finish line is a success when you consider how many actually fail to cross because they quit.
The words of Winston Churchill reverberate inside my (often thick) skull and I'll even say them out loud to spur myself on when I'm feeling the pressure and feel like giving up..
I will NEVER surrender, and with steadfast and dogged determination will continue with all my energies until the "battle" is won.
And that my friends is the only "secret" to success you'll ever need.
To Success!