
Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Would YOU Build a Store in the Middle of the Forest without a Road Leading to IT?
11/13/2007 11:50:21 AM

Hi Everyone!

I've said this many times before and I'll keep saying it: You need to advertise! Promote, promote, promote!  When you sign up for something, you need to advertise your link for that program repeatedly and enthusiastically to as many people as you possibly can, without spamming.   When you join something new, you need to read the emails that are sent to you by the company. 

Don't just sign up for things and then post one ad and forget about it an hour later.  Then at the end of the month...wonder why you didn't get any sign-ups. 

Think of your online businesses as stores.  You wouldn't build a real store in the middle of a thick forest, with no road leading to it, without telling people how to get there, would you?  You would build your store in the open, in a high traffic area, and let people know it's there.  If there isn't any traffic near your real store, you'd need to advertise more heavily to get people there, right?  That's what you need to do with your online opportunities.

The internet is a very thick jungle with hundreds of millions of people, promoting multi billions of offers, 24 hours a day, for more than 10 years now.  You need to put in a constant effort of telling people about your business.  Just posting a few ads in a few forums or classified sites won't bring you noticeable results.  You need to consistently and repeatedly advertise, maintain contact with interested people, and think of unique ways to promote your offer.

In general, only 5% or less of the people involved in multi-level programs are bringing in 95% of the new referrals.  They are carrying their own load and trying to carry a lot of dead weight. 

You don't need to spend 8 hours a day online or spend lots of money on advertising.  Just putting in a consistent amount of time daily contacting people on a personal level as much as you can for free will bring consistent results.  If you dedicate yourself to spending 30 to 60 minutes a day to focus only upon telling other people about your business, and not looking around for sparkly graphics, or chatting away your time, but stay focused for the time you promised to your business for that amount of minutes every day, then you'll start seeing some results.

People always ask me how I get things done, I tell them I make a goal to contact 25 people every day that I haven't contacted before.  Then I re-contact the 25 that I communicated with a few days ago.  I keep track of the people I talk to every day so I can get in touch with them again after a few days.  So every day I'm telling 25 new people about my offers, and re-telling 25 people I've spoken to before.  That's 50 people a day, every day.  Those numbers will lead to a no-fail situation. 

Only a small percentage of people will join our businesses, and of those who join, only a small percentage will put in a daily consistent effort.  We need to contact new people daily, stay in touch with people we've contacted before, and maintain enthusiasm every day.

Advertising is an ongoing communications process, it's not a one-time posting of an ad in several places.  We also need to be unique, if there are hundreds or thousands of people promoting the same business, we need to study all aspects of our business and find something different and interesting to say that all the other people aren't saying, because they didn't dig deep enough into all available information about it.

People get tired of seeing the same ads over and over, they become immune to it.  It's an absolute necessity to change and improve our advertising on a continual basis.


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Joelees Wholesale

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Re: Would YOU Build a Store in the Middle of the Forest without a Road Leading to IT?
11/13/2007 12:46:34 PM


Very true and if one can not find the time to create the road at least weed a pathway :-)  Thank you for caring and sharing Gods speed :-) Lee

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Thomas Richmond

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Re: Would YOU Build a Store in the Middle of the Forest without a Road Leading to IT?
11/13/2007 12:50:44 PM
Thank you Kathy for encouragings words on how to build. or me the way to build is through relationships and then by put what you have out there for everyone, maybe you have free software? or you may just want to network, go out there to other communitys and get your name heard! Ads do fine and responders do fine but its a job for any marketeer to promote themselves as if they were sending a resume, in your face sort to speak, makes people think twice thats for sure. Dont worry about the feedback,any feedback is good, for one thing you know they read your ad! banners are a good thing to promote as well, people like to get at the meat of the subject rather than read the junk from who ever on the webpage there promoting, "The Bottom Line" is where its at. Showing people you care is another way of having them feel better about the products you sale , they seem more trusting in you to lead them to profit, getting what you want is getting them what they want! Promote! Promote! promote! My Ojeez has a great residual payment plan because of the promotions we provided back in the day and here Kathy you have a trust worthy promotion as well. The stats dont lie, thats another thing people look for is the growth of a company or how well the product is selling. The key to success is, between the product you sale and the company "people" you relate to. Thank you Kathy for a great write up. You Go Girl! Luv ya. Thomas
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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: Would YOU Build a Store in the Middle of the Forest without a Road Leading to IT?
11/13/2007 12:53:53 PM

Thanks for visiting and posting, Lee!

I know everyone may not have 30 to 60 minutes daily, many people are not even online every day, but every little bit helps!

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Re: Would YOU Build a Store in the Middle of the Forest without a Road Leading to IT?
11/13/2007 12:57:24 PM

Kathleen, you are so right. "Promote, promote promote," not spam, spam, spam. For years, I had little success or confidence as I tried to do it all alone. As you see, I've been here two years now, but only active for a few months!

Thanks for all of the awesome, encouraging, uplifting, useful information.

Please don't miss today's Profile of the Day and other forum threads.

Much appreciated, Stephen

Adlandpro is one of my fave sites as the people are fanta-bulous, the networking is great, having a place to share ads and info rocks! For over 20 years now I've been part of a huge T.E.A.M., where "Together Everyone Achieves More." Our dreams and goals are to help as many folks succeed as possible no matter what occupation or biz you are in. I have 3 main blogs or websites, including expertise in blogging, forums, communities, network marketing, social networking, advertising, lead generation, SEO & more. Love connecting with like-minded individuals. Thanks so much, Mark Stephen Hauser of and my main blog
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