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Bogdan Fiedur

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If what you are doing is not moving you towards your goals...
11/12/2007 10:22:39 AM
"If what you are doing is not moving you towards your goals, then it's moving you away from your goals."

-- Brian Tracy, Author
Sharon Lee

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Re: If what you are doing is not moving you towards your goals...
11/12/2007 10:24:26 AM

Kuellll Thought Bogdan!!! Thanks for the share!


Marilyn L Martin

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Re: If what you are doing is not moving you towards your goals...
11/12/2007 10:44:53 AM

Hi Bogdan,

Thanks for another quote today from the great Mr Brian Tracy! You can't argue with this is very true! Thanks very much for sharing this with us.

God Bless You,


Marilyn L Martin
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Judy Smith

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Re: If what you are doing is not moving you towards your goals...
11/12/2007 3:35:44 PM

Thanks, Bogdan.

That is painfully true!!!  Move forward or backward - there is  no in-between!

Thanks for another great Quote!


Re: If what you are doing is not moving you towards your goals...
11/12/2007 7:15:02 PM
I have been brought up to 69 years now and all these years it was Attorney's, Preachers, Teachers, and Mom & Dad. Mom & Dads don't stay around as long as the others because they are replaced by time or get passed by learning of their children from Peer groups. Teachers full fill their need in short also, After graduation you are on your own and they could care less. Attorneys are laying in wait for you to come to them for advice and pay them a big buck for something you knew allready, similar to Doctors who tell you are sick, but they can also recommend healing. Attorneys' will heal you as long as your money holds out. Who is next: GRAUR Here is a person that knows all about what they are selling and it is the best of the best. The world is full of them also waiting to take your money saying dupilcate, pratice, follow me and I will lead you to poverity as long as you pay. They will definiate eat your lunch. PASTOR'S, PRIEST etc: Here is the most powerful of all advisors. He has a higher power also ahd he is just passing along advise. There is no pay expected, no disclaimer needed,No spam, and by always available and if you don't have a pastor, you can talk to his advisor GOD through his son Jesus Christ. Where do you get your advise?????? Ralph Coppley The biggest travel of the year is fast approaching. Go here and book your travel at the best price on the net. Yes you can afford to travel for business and pleasure. Come on in, the price is right
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