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Computers and Internet Marketing Ideas.
11/9/2007 6:19:22 PM
I would like to invite my new friends and anyone who would like to share their experiences and knowledge regarding the issues and concerns with Internet Marketing, MLM's, free advertising sources, safelist ideas, & related ideas to post their messages on this Forum. Thank you, Rene
Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Computers and Internet Marketing Ideas.
11/9/2007 8:00:18 PM

Hi Rene,

Glad to join your forum.  I assume you will be posting each of these titles or did you mean for us to contribute ideas right here??

Re: Computers and Internet Marketing Ideas.
12/5/2007 10:29:01 AM

Hi Mary, I was thinking that people could post there ideas right here.

Anything that can help build traffic to your website and possibly any

free advertising sources we can offer to people in our downlines. 



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