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Re: We all love to celebrate
11/4/2007 8:03:02 PM

Hi Roger,

Having lived in South Africa for almost 10 years we had a love/hate relation with Guy Fawkes Day.

We loved it because of the magnificent fireworks displays. They really outdid themselves.

We hated it because of the magnificent fireworks displays. Sounds weird?? Our dogs went completely crazy for a 2-3 day period. The fireworks drove them crazy and consequently they drove us crazy. There was a non stop display of fireworks from the whole J'oburg area and we heard and saw them all from our home. Dogs hate and are afraid of fireworks.

I never could understand why the South Africans celebrated Guy Fawkes Day. They hated the period of British Rule in SA and fought dearly for their independence, yet they celebrate GFD.

Just goes to show that people look for excuses to have fun and celebrate.

All the best & Shalom,



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
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Re: We all love to celebrate
11/5/2007 2:11:08 AM

Hello Peter,

Yes I confess to having suffered the same problem here.

In the last year or so the latest time for displays has been made earlier, I think they HAVE to end before midnight. It has'nt cured the odd 2 am bang.

Our Irish Setter and later our labrador were upset. Strangely with the labrador he just barked continually but I think wanted to warn off the attack rather than feared it, but we were the same. We woukd just get him quiet and another would go off.

It's strange about the British/South African love hate thing. The ties are very close. With many children of ex-pats moving here there is a frequent misunderstanding of their intentions through accent differences. Folk often tell me that the South Africans are arrogant, it's not so, it's the difference of the inflextions in speech. I just feel desparately sorry that they miss the sun so much. Last summer here was just WET.

All around the world GFD is celebrated and most forget that it was all due to religeous intollerance thank goodness. We now have a chance to celebrate with many of our minority groups and lovely it is too. Yes we all love to celebrate and sometimes the reason isn't needed, just to help others celebrate is good enough.

Thank you so much for your post.


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Re: We all love to celebrate
11/5/2007 3:06:03 AM

Hi Roger,

Interesting that you say that there are those that think that the SA's are arrogant. I found them to be a very friendly people and not arrogant at all.

The love hate relationship with the Brits is caused mainly by the deep feeling that the Afrikaners (for those that aren't familiar with this word, they are the South Africans of Dutch-German-French back round) have of being mistreated by the British during their rule. Even today, though much much less then in the past there is a bit of love/hate relations between the SA's of Afrikaner back round and those with a British back round. This was much more evident when the Government was still predominately Afrikaner and much less since the release of Nelson Mandela from prison and the predominately Black government.

Nelson Mandela had the ability to unite almost all factions during his Presidency and it was a miraculous thing to behold.

All the best & Shalom,


P.S. Sorry I strayed from the subject of the forum but I couldn't help myself.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
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Re: We all love to celebrate
11/5/2007 4:08:28 AM


Yes I quite understand.

My point too was that we tend to forget our differences when it suits but that some folk still read things into situations that aren't true.

I know few Brits who are proud of everything that was done in our name (and still is) but there again many Americans are not proud of their foreign policies as a super power but then its true that the average guy doesnt have all the facts either.

Don't apologise for straying, it was in context.

Adland is a place where Adult opinions can be voiced with an eye to keeping moderation at a premium.

You will see some of my African concern mentioned if you go to


I am very honoured to have been chosen to write in Sams forum. He is the example of what is good about Africa.


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Re: We all love to celebrate
11/5/2007 5:56:05 AM
Dear Roger,

we should have got together and saved each other some time and energy!!!! LOL

I didn't know about your forum thread.

I was very busy yesterday on and off line and managed to quickly put together a  'history lesson' for our fellow Adlanders last night, before going to bed.

We're going down the hill to celebrate with an English family.  I'm providing sparklers.  They actually bought the fireworks in the summer, at the time of the July 14th Bastille Day celebrations here.  There aren't fireworks on sale in the shops here at the mo. 

Thank you for coming over to my forum.

Happy Guy Fawkes night.

Angel Cuddles,


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