Hello Peter,
Yes I confess to having suffered the same problem here.
In the last year or so the latest time for displays has been made earlier, I think they HAVE to end before midnight. It has'nt cured the odd 2 am bang.
Our Irish Setter and later our labrador were upset. Strangely with the labrador he just barked continually but I think wanted to warn off the attack rather than feared it, but we were the same. We woukd just get him quiet and another would go off.
It's strange about the British/South African love hate thing. The ties are very close. With many children of ex-pats moving here there is a frequent misunderstanding of their intentions through accent differences. Folk often tell me that the South Africans are arrogant, it's not so, it's the difference of the inflextions in speech. I just feel desparately sorry that they miss the sun so much. Last summer here was just WET.
All around the world GFD is celebrated and most forget that it was all due to religeous intollerance thank goodness. We now have a chance to celebrate with many of our minority groups and lovely it is too. Yes we all love to celebrate and sometimes the reason isn't needed, just to help others celebrate is good enough.
Thank you so much for your post.