
Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Encore Presentation of a Hot Article...Using the CALL OUT Method of Marketing...:
11/3/2007 2:43:07 PM

You say you've tried everything and you're just not happy with the amount of responses or sign-ups for your business?  Have you visited your business site as an objective observer and looked at it the way a potential prospect would see it for the first time?  Is the site easy to navigate?  If it's not a site you created yourself, and you don't have the authority to change the way it's set up, then here's what you can do:

First open a wordpad or notepad so you can make notes about every item of interest on each page of your business site.  Start at the main page and write down the sentences you'd like your visitors to read most. 

Use the "call-out" method that has been a multi-billion dollar marketing tool for ages.  What is it? 
It's when you call attention to certain sentences on certain pages, such as:  "The third sentence in the first paragraph explains how you..." 

OR... "In the second paragraph, you'll see that our current members get..."

OR ..."Be sure to read the testimonials on page ___, did you see how much Jane Average earned in just ____ amount of time?  You can experience this level of success, too!"

You really need to focus on the benefits of joining, remember the potential prospect wants to hear these 2 words most often: "YOU GET".

Also be sure to point out anything of value that's on the lower half of the pages, in case your visitors just skim the top half and don't see anything interesting and they are ready to leave before scrolling down.

Point out the links to any member's benefits, pay plan, product or services, contact info, and company support.  If there are testimonials, make sure your reader knows exactly where to find those.

Go through EACH PAGE of your business site and make notations of everything that would be of value to your prospects, especially any information that you think will turn a "maybe" into a "YES!"

Even if it takes you 2 hours or more, the one-time effort you put into slicing and dicing your business website so your prospects don't have to do it themselves, that small amount of time will pay off over and over for a long time to come. 

Another benefit of doing all this, when people DO join under you, you'll already have everything of interest about the site written down so you can offer that information to your downliners to use.  Even if it's not a multi-level program, your prospects can still use your hard work to make their job easier. This one-time effort that YOU make NOW can bring in a HUGE amount of interest-responses and sign-ups for YOU and EVERYONE who joins under you FOREVER.  They WILL tell you how much they appreciate it, your hard work WILL be noticed by a lot of people in your business and by those who didn't do the hard work for their own businesses.

Here at Adlandpro, we're very fortunate to be able to have our own forums, this is a fantastic way to showcase all the note-taking we did for our business.  You can have one of your forums JUST for your business, or use all of your forums for 3 different businesses.  Instead of sending people directly to your business website, send them to your forum that displays all the details and call-outs for your business site so your prospects will know exactly what to look at when they click into your main site.

If this article has been helpful, please reply and let me know!  All of the above is an example of my thought-process, if you've read any of my other recent posts, you know I use the call-out method quite often because IT WORKS!  I call out pages in my Whammy entertainment forum and that brings consistent popular response. 

Now I'm going to call out this thread in my forum about my main business, Lotto Magic, you'll see the detailed effort I put into it.  This explains why I had a high amount of sign-ups within my very first month right here from our Adlandpro community.  You'll see exactly how and why my time and effort has paid off.  This is the difference between devoting time and effort into something rather than just saying "Here's my business site, I hope you visit it."  Devoting an entire forum to your business will BRING IT!" 

After that, giving all your detailed information to the people who signed up with you will more than bring it, it will provide you with a well-oiled residual income machine.  Several of the people who just very recently joined under me had a very easy time of getting their own sign-ups without dissecting all the details themselves because I did it for them, and I'll give my work to you, too, when you join Lotto Magic with me.  All you'd have to do is remove my ID number from all the links and put YOUR ID number in, I'll even help you with that, too.  Read all about it at the "Opportunity, Benefits..." thread:

Here's the link to the entire Lotto Magic forum:


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Joyce Parker Hyde

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Re: Encore Presentation of a Hot Article...Using the CALL OUT Method of Marketing...:
11/3/2007 3:55:39 PM
Great stuff Kathleen,
Thank you.
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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: Encore Presentation of a Hot Article...Using the CALL OUT Method of Marketing...:
11/3/2007 5:20:39 PM

Thanks for visiting, Joyce! 

A lot of methods used in mail-order would work wonders online, I don't know why onliners think that mail-order is from the dinosaur age, actually more money is generated by mail than ever before!  I meet lots of onliners who don't know the basics of marketing but they think money will fall on them because they have a website.

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Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: Encore Presentation of a Hot Article...Using the CALL OUT Method of Marketing...:
11/3/2007 5:39:44 PM
Hello Sweet American lady!

Nothing is for free. You have to sweat andearn every cent in this life.
I like this article! You are doing a great work and you are a good promoter.

Keep up the good work and when you can smile and realx make a visit here

I will be the real DREAM to visit. Everything organized in one forum. These thread will have thousands of visitors beacuse I will ahve paid sponsors there.

Happy weekend

ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook
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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: Encore Presentation of a Hot Article...Using the CALL OUT Method of Marketing...:
11/3/2007 5:44:03 PM

Hi Georgios,

I was one step ahead of you!  I just posted a reply there before you came here!  How do you expect people to read when you have a beautiful painting like that?  You know people, easily distracted by visuals! 

No matter how you feel moment by moment, Adlandpro brings a focus to those with problems, to focus upon a good motivation and gradually leave behind all else, people find a focal point here that can diminish their addictions to other bad things.

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