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Re: The Second Coming of Christ...and the Millenium - Part I
11/15/2007 7:17:22 AM

First of all, let me assure you that I don't get offended just because your view point is different from mine.

I do believe whatever gifts God has given us, we have to use them. That includes our brain, intelligence and so on. Also we should try to develop those abilities. God has given us other gifts like, ability to love, trust, faith, etc.

Certain things in my life, I don't ask for proof. I am not saying that should be the case with everybody. I am talking about me. When I was little, my mum told me: " I am your mum, this is your dad.  I belived it. When i was in High School, I could turn around and ask my mum, " Mum, you told me, here is your dad, but can you produce some evidence that "he is my real dad".  Whether they are able to prove or not - that is not the point.  I was prepared to believe without asking question. If my mother had told me how my dad proposed to her both of them climbing to the top of a coconut tree, I would have asked for proof.

I am prepared to believe certain things without proof, while I demand proof for some other things. Laila, you might say, my behaviour is not consistent. That is fine with me.

About me again: I believe in God, I believe in Jesus, I believe in the Bible. If the disciples of Jesus, say that they saw Jesus ascending to heaven, that is good enough for me to believe.  If they say Jesus appeared to them at various occassions after his death, that is good enough for me to believe that Jesus resurrected. 

Also, i am not a scholar to be able to give Scientific or logical explanation in these things.


Podo Pierre

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Re: The Second Coming of Christ...and the Millenium - Part I
1/26/2008 10:07:32 AM

Dear James,

the truth is worthy of the eyes ,for tomorrow is another day but no one can tell what will be, except God. The Nations have made their laws according to the needs of the people and according to their command , that they may rule with honor and peace. The scriptures are a reference of the unity of Man and God. A passage unto wisdom , that we all may be enlightened,uplifted and blessed to receive the message of truth which unites all men unto eternal life.

Oh what is a man that thinketh perdition, Oh how many times can we seek mercy from our God , who giveth all things abundantly that we may learn how to receive it. It is a man's obligation to understand the precepts of God. No other way exist than through Christ, the ever present word of wisdom, knowledge and strength. The life giving spirit and the only source of hope. Death has no place within or without . We live because Christ lives and we know that one day we shall see him the way he is, because we shall be like him.

If God therefore is spirit, then seek not that which is not , neither seek that which shall never be. For the scriptures say ' live in the spirit and thou shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.' Worldly thoughts are freshly manifestations,heavenly thoughts are Spiritual realities. These are above human concepts and achievements.

Did Jesus Christ not say that there will be wars between nations, religion and families? All these things will pass before the final anointing of a human concept of Deity. When the time will come, there will be an understanding which will harden the hearts of men as was in Egypt. Men will argue and preach Religious beliefs and freedom, there will be more pharisees and kings, Chiefs and Presidents of the world, there will be dictators and life will be abused and many will die of poverty. Sickness will reign the world and the rich will master poverty before they die through their faith.

Did I not say, that it is time to reach out for the Truth? Did we learn about the appearing of Christ? Did we understand the message of Love? Have we seen the resurrection in our own life's and have we felt the benefit thereof. For Christ is an Eternal blessing to mankind without time and without end. It's neither controlled by the day or by the night. If we find our way in Jesus today , then we live in Christ as Christ lives in the Eternal Loving father God.

We can do nothing on our own, neither can we design the scriptures to fit our religious beliefs. Christ has no party, nor is Christ a partner to any religious denomination. This message is for those who understand and can read through the lines with a lowly heart . Faith will bring you through to the end. This is an inspired message of the Truth.


Pierre Louma 

James Wright

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Re: The Second Coming of Christ...and the Millenium - Part I
3/10/2008 9:15:55 PM

Lissa, I appreciate your input here. I have been so busy lately, I have not been able to respond to everyone. I hope you will forgive me!

James Wright

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Re: The Second Coming of Christ...and the Millenium - Part I
3/10/2008 9:20:18 PM
Hi Joyce, thank you for stopping by and addressing Laila. She definitely has a place here at Adlandpro. I appreciate her desire to share her faith.
James Wright

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Re: The Second Coming of Christ...and the Millenium - Part I
3/10/2008 9:23:14 PM

Hi Pierre, thank you so much for stopping by. I apologize for not responding sooner. This one slipped past me.


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