Thank You John &
Pauline for this feature on Beef Sloan!
waited a bit before I added a post to this thread for a couple of reasons.
One I wanted to see how much information and what aspects
of were being highlighted here. This giving me an idea of what is important
to people and what they are thinking about.
Two It would give me a chance to fill in the blanks and
get a little deeper into the reason we are going out on a limb to help people.
Since Our Business is Your Success!!
Excuse me because I can get a little long winded at times about this
subject being that it is my passion to help people obtain a life long income
and put real freedom truly in their lives as well as their children’s lives.
We are developing a Teens
program to help our young people
understand and initiate Safe effective marketing etiquette. So they can also be
building their futures.
The big picture is this folks!!
There are way too many programs being
offered, and too many people are going in too many different directions to be successful.
It has taken us a number of years to develop what we have at and will
take some time to get people to understand the fact that we are looking out for
them and looking at the Big picture. I have several articles I write and my
predictions have been right on I am working on one now to try and explain where
the next trends are headed. Unity and strength in numbers are going to be the
only way in the future. Back 15 years ago this wasn't the case that is where
the so called Gurus were born. But that is a thing of the past. the little
people in the trenches like us are the ones with the real power. Who do you
think did the real work to get them where they are today?
Like I said I can get long
winded and I apologize. I do have a
lot more I can add but most of that I write articles. or talk about in our Main
room. Yes we also have rooms’ available to communicate in. They are available
24/7 and we try our best to have someone in the Main room most of that time to
help people and get to know them. We do get a little goofy and have fun some
times, but that is real networking!!
We have a fantastic core
team for support and welcome many
more of you that understand that success is helping others become successful.
That is one of the reasons we pay back 90% of our membership fees and free
members get paid also.
I have said this Many times
We are on Fire!!
We Love You!!
Our Business is Your
Brad West