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Joelees Wholesale

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Re: Vote First Distinguished Gentlemen for The Week November 05, 2007
11/3/2007 10:50:14 AM

Hi John,

Thank you for the honor my friend and taken time out of your already overloaded day to show your support & encouragement . Enjoy your weekend Gods speed :-) Lee

Joelees Wholesale

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Re: Vote First Distinguished Gentlemen for The Week November 05, 2007
11/3/2007 10:52:33 AM

LoL Kathleen ,

I think Sharon was day dreaming  omg now that just might hit a males ego LOL  Thank you for your vote  enjoy your day Gods speed :-) Lee

Joelees Wholesale

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Re: Vote First Distinguished Gentlemen for The Week November 05, 2007
11/3/2007 11:14:26 AM

Hi All,

Please except my apologize for offering my blogger services with a major error,I hope now the error has been corrected you find it to be useful. 7 members and no report of error until today I once again apologize . Quick fit below for those who have the email error on signup .

Note: We are having a system clitch in emailed links to

confirm your account:Validating email links should

include MyBlog/ in the URL string

username=yourusername&thekey=your key

We have completed the fix please add

MyBlog/ if you have signup before we corrected

and are missing this in your validating email sent.

Thank you Peter for making us aware of this issues  Gods speedSmiley Lee



Sharon Lee

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Re: Vote First Distinguished Gentlemen for The Week November 05, 2007
11/3/2007 11:31:57 AM

LOL Kathleen,,,PINK??? Hemmmmm,,,;-)

More like the Macho Macho Man ones...LOL

Lee,,, I do daydream,,,Don't I?? But aren't they GOOD Daydreams???? LOLOL



Joelees Wholesale

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Re: Vote First Distinguished Gentlemen for The Week November 05, 2007
11/3/2007 12:03:17 PM

Macho, macho, man...
in the news

Gordon_smithGordon Smith, he's a macho man...


"I know how to take a punch, and I know how to punch back," Smith said. "So I am ready to rumble if that's what it takes."
