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Judy Smith

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Re: Warning! Scammer on ALP today and has been for awhile.
11/2/2007 2:24:07 PM

Thanks, My friend - they got me too and Sarah P as well - I just ignored and went on!!!

Thanks again for the warning!  Much appreciated.




Joelees Wholesale

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Re: Warning! Scammer on ALP today and has been for awhile.
11/2/2007 2:26:48 PM


Amen , it amazes me how they will put anything in the subject line just so one would view it and such twisted advertising ethics . I only open if I know the person or he/she is on my friends list no matter what subject line is. Thank you for the info..TGIF enjoy your day.  Gods speed :-) Lee

Rudy Hiebert(rudyhiebert.myamsoil.c

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Re: Warning! Scammer on ALP
11/2/2007 3:33:32 PM
Good one, Thomas. It's tempting to expand on this with more examples of scammers but "deleting it and going on with your day" sounds good to me.
On the other hand, it is useful to know that just one of the characteristics of such communications is the  "something's wrong with this picture", ie.:
1.) If someone read my ad, how can he/she say it doesn't work, you read it didn't you?
2.) Obvious spelling and grammatical errors, ie. "informations"  irks me to no end.
3.) When you do a "source" check, this shows  Russia,  France or some far flung places but some reference may have been made to some local locale.
4.) Saturation of references to ie. "God bless your family" apologizing for the email - on and on these go.
5.) The use of the word, "immediately". Nobody tells me to hurry up because some opportunity will fade into the sunset. That's exactly why I wait for the right time. Who needs more stuff that is here today - gone tomorrow.
Steven Suchar

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Re: Warning! Scammer on ALP today and has been for awhile.
11/2/2007 4:36:52 PM
Hi Brother Thomas!

Thank you for your heads up info. :)

Attention Scammer's: All Of Adland Is Watching YOU!!!

watchdogAa.jpg watchdog image by pepper_077
Thomas Richmond

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Re: Warning! Scammer on ALP today and has been for awhile.
11/2/2007 4:45:09 PM
Steven! Your back!! woo whooo . i was wondering where you were? i havent seen you at our WIN meetings niether. Welcome Back buddy!
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