To the BFA Judging Committee:
When I started the WHAMMY forum last year, it was for purposes other than to provide entertainment.
First, I thought...what makes successful people become successful? They keep their focus on their goal. The WHAMMY forum was originally called "Triple Whammy: Famous Bday, Bio, and Quotes" specifically to showcase the fact that famous people are just people like we are, but they maintained their focus.
Secondly, I wanted to have a popular forum that would propel me into the POTW election last fall which I won hands down! Mission accomplished!
Also, many people were saying I was too much of an advertising machine...yes, I am! Music takes a far place behind my writing of ads and other stuff.
Whammy for me was a means to an end, for you, it's music and entertainment.
Photos? Well, I started posting photos after Pauline suggested it after I was nominated last month...BUT I'm a die-hard sparkly fanatic!
I wonder if the BFA Forum would pass it's own judging committee? Probably not, a forum that has changed ownership 3 times in 6 months...? NAH!!!
