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Re: Are You Right Brained or Left Brained?
11/1/2007 2:24:17 PM


   I got her to turn to the left!! Yeah!!! I picked out something from the list for the direstion I want her to turn. I then have to look slightly away from her , but not completely and when I see her out of the corner of my eyes start to turn the other direction then I can look and yes, she's turning left. It doesn't take much to shift her back to the right, though. Will take practice.

 I'm right handed and can write some with my left hand. I can write my name upsideside down; and upsidedown and backwards; and just backwards  -  all three in cursive and very legible. We had nothing better to do in study hall ;) Maybe that affected my brain? :) I also have no trouble reading print that is upside down, not due to study class just in a hurry to read newspaper someone else had it was upside down. Most words are easy and some take practice


Valerie Clavin


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Flag of Luella May

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Re: Are You Right Brained or Left Brained?
11/1/2007 11:26:54 PM

wow Valerie!  You are talented!  I should have usd study hall more effectively.

Well, I followed your instructions.  And I did get her to stop.  But not turn left.  Out of the corner of my eye a couple of times she stopped but when I looked at her, she continued to turn right.  Got to practice more.



Flag of Donna Zuehl

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Re: Are You Right Brained or Left Brained?
11/1/2007 11:34:55 PM
Hi Luella, At first, the figure spins clockwise. When I focus on her hair, I can then see her go counterclockwise. Then to make her go clockwise again, I concentrate on her feet and she switches directions. At least, that is how I can see her go one way, then the other. DonnaZ
Flag of Luella May

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Re: Are You Right Brained or Left Brained?
11/2/2007 12:16:13 AM

Donna!  I did it!  Thank you!  That's the key!  Focus on her for counterclockwise and feet clockwise.  Yes!!!!!!!!



Flag of Ben Forehand

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Re: Are You Right Brained or Left Brained?
11/2/2007 7:28:21 AM
I finally did it! I scrolled down where I couldn't see anything but herhead and visualized her spinning clockwise and I was finally able to see it. I got my wife involved and as I expected, we are opposite :-) I think that's what makes a couple complete, being able to see the whole picture.

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