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Flag of Luella May

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Are You Right Brained or Left Brained?
11/1/2007 9:40:54 AM

Your brain -- that three-pound mass of gray and white matter between your ears -- is the most complex object in the known universe. It contains as many neurons as there are stars in the Milky Way galaxy, and we know as much (or as little) about how they function as we know about all those stars.

This nifty little test can perhaps shed a ray of light on how your brain operates – that is, whether your right brain, or left brain, is in charge. Or, perhaps you’re able to switch over at will.

Click on the link to the Herald Sun, which will take you to an image of a dancer. Do you see her turning clockwise or anti-clockwise? If she’s moving clockwise you use more of your right brain, and vice versa.








Left Brain Functions



Right Brain Functions






  • Uses logic



  • Detail oriented



  • Facts rule



  • Words and language



  • Present and past



  • Math and science



  • Comprehension



  • Knowing



  • Acknowledges



  • Order/pattern perception



  • Knows object name



  • Reality based



  • Forms strategies



  • Practical



  • Safe





  • Uses feeling



  • “Big picture” oriented



  • Imagination rules



  • Symbols and images



  • Present and future



  • Philosophy and religion



  • Gets the “meaning”



  • Believes



  • Appreciates



  • Spatial perception



  • Knows object function



  • Fantasy based



  • Presents possibilities



  • Impetuous



  • Risk taking

Scientists still don’t know exactly how your brain works, how information is coded in neural activity, or how memories are stored and retrieved, for example. Many still believe we only use a mere 10 percent of our brain, but that is probably nothing more than a myth, and should never be used as an excuse for not reaching goals and seizing opportunities that come your way.

Is it possible to unlock dormant areas of your brain? Perhaps it would be better to ask how you can find ways to improve upon, and flex your existing brain capabilities. Challenging your mind with new ideas, such as learning a foreign language, doing crossword puzzles, or brainteasers such as this one, can help keep your brain strong. With some practice, you can figure out how to “make” this twirling figure switch directions, indicating you’ve switched from using one brain lobe to the other.

Most importantly though, maintaining nutritious eating habits and regular exercise are your two best allies when it comes to keeping your brain healthy and working optimally – regardless of whether you’re a right brainer, or a left brainer.


Herald Sun October 9, 2007

For more informative articles and health tips please visit The Best Years in Life

Flag of John Partington

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Re: Are You Right Brained or Left Brained?
11/1/2007 10:17:44 AM

Hi Luella,

I must be right brained, too bad the image is in Silhouette.

Best Wishes


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Flag of Tim Southernwood

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Re: Are You Right Brained or Left Brained?
11/1/2007 10:26:20 AM

Hi Luella!

Thanks for stopping by the other day. It was nice to see you again ;-)

This was a very interesting exercise, and before I read further or clicked on the link I looked at the graphic (which I could watch all day..rofl!)

What was most interesting for me was that at first look I immediately saw the "dancer" turning clockwise, but with very little effort was able to reverse the spin, and now I can change the direction at will.

This helped me immensely to understand this duality that I've always felt within. I've often felt the conflicting personality traits like logic and feeling battling it out for my attention ;-)
Very kewl.

Thanks again,


Tim Southernwood/Get eH² Packs!/BlogNet Awards We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act but a habit - Aristotle
Flag of Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Are You Right Brained or Left Brained?
11/1/2007 10:41:47 AM
Oh my, she switches on me. Does that mean that my brain can't make up its mind!!! Well isn't that the way it is for all women. She spend more time spinning left.
Flag of Peter Fogel

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Re: Are You Right Brained or Left Brained?
11/1/2007 10:52:00 AM

Hi Luella,

I wonder what category I fall into. I see her going in both directions when I close my eyes she's going clockwise and when i reopen them she's going anti clockwise.

I guess I'm a switch hitter :).

Thanks for sharing.

All the best & Shalom,


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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