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Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: UBIEE - HISTORY - Through the Ages
10/28/2007 2:17:10 PM
Hello Dimitra!

You want archantropus of PETRALONA Chalkidiki, and archantropus it will be. Aris Poulianos is one of the best archaeoligist and anthropologist I know. I have been twice in Petralona.

I will bring in mr Poulianos' research in AdLandPro.


ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook
Robert De Merode

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Re: UBIEE - HISTORY - Through the Ages
10/28/2007 2:18:16 PM

Fantastic, and I see that the Great Pope Urban II and Geoffroy de Bouillon have still to this day, no misgivings about their undertakings! LOL.

Have yourself a great week.


Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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UBIEE -HISTORY - Pelorovis The Giant Buffalo
10/29/2007 1:42:13 AM
Prehistory: PELOROVIS

Pelorovis was a giant buffalo that lived in Africa. It lived during the Pleistocene (2 million - 10,000 years ago. This animal is believed to have died out about 12,000 years ago, possibly later.  Pelorovis had curved horns that were very long. Each was about 1 meter (3.2 feet) in length. Each horn formed a semicircle. Pelorovis was 2.10 meters (7 feet) tall at the shoulders.

This creature was extremely wide ranging; fossils of it have been found at various sites in Africa. For example, fossilized remains of Pelorovis antiquus have been discovered in South Africa. Fossils of Pelorovis turkanensis have been found in Kenya. One Pelorovis skull was unearthed at Gona Afar in Ethiopia. It has been dated to 1.5-1.0 million years ago. That span was in the Pleistocene.

The long-horned buffalo occurred in southern, eastern and northern Africa, from the Cape of Good Hope to the Mediterranean coast. In South Africa the long-horned buffalo is known from various fossil sites ranging between 1 million and 10 000 years in age. In North Africa however, dated fossil remains and numerous rock art depictions indicate that the long-horned buffalo disappeared there much later, between 4 000 and 3 000 years ago.

Article: Read more

ovis: (Latin) sheep
pelor: (Greek) huge, monster

Buffalo, root and origin: Vus [Greek Βούς <  βώυς]
Lat. bos].
[Lat. bos], [ cow], [Fr. boef]

Happy new week
ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook
Robert De Merode

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Re: UBIEE -HISTORY - Pelorovis The Giant Buffalo
10/29/2007 7:47:01 AM

Good start Georgios,

I do not know if the big-horn buffalo was as efficient as the “modern guys” but these great beasts are known for being among the big 5 of African wildlife. If you wish some proof of their effectiveness, when they group up, enjoy one of the most incredible African wildlife sagas here!

Kind regards,

Sarah Pritchard

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Re: UBIEE -HISTORY - Pelorovis The Giant Buffalo
10/29/2007 11:41:58 AM
Watch out, watch out, there are monster sheep about.

Great stuff Georgios.

Yes, Zeus is back indeed!

And he's back with a monster.

Very interesting reading.

I love to learn.



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