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Thomas Richmond

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Re: Please Invite Isabel Columbie_Thank you
10/23/2007 1:31:55 PM
Thats thoughful of you Sister Beryl, thanx!
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Michael Caron

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Re: Please Invite Isabel Columbie_Thank you
10/23/2007 1:38:01 PM
Hello Thomas,
  Well, you do like to help everyone don't you?  I have invited Isabel to be my friend.  Where do you fine such attractive women?  By the way, how is everything where you are living?  I understand that the Santa Ana winds are not letting up any.
  Enough about you.  Isabel, welcome to AdlandPro Community.  You will find many wonderful people here reading to assist you in any way possible. 

God Bless You

Michael J. Caron (Mike) TRUTH IN ADVERTISING!! Friends First. Business Later.
Thomas Richmond

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Re: Please Invite Isabel Columbie_Thank you
10/23/2007 1:53:36 PM
Thank you Mike for the help. Sorry but the attractive woman find me lol. My house sits next to the pacific ocean , its a townhouse really but i call it a beach house never the less. well the town here in Carlsbad is not to bad, inland is more of a problem with its fires still going, the weather today is about 78 degrees, the wind is still blowing about 10 to 15 miles an hour and the sky is grey with red sun , the smoke is around and the smell is still there, please pray for or surroundings here, thank you Mike, God_bless you my friend.
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Phillip Black

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Re: Please Invite Isabel Columbie_Thank you
10/23/2007 1:56:21 PM

Hi Thomas,

Thanks for the Introduction.  Isabel's Invitation is on it's way as we speak.

Bless You My Friend,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
Thomas Richmond

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Re: Please Invite Isabel Columbie_Thank you
10/23/2007 1:59:33 PM
You Rock Phil thank you my friend! God_bless you.
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