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Joelees Wholesale

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Re: It's all about frienship
12/13/2007 3:17:27 PM

Hi Judy,

Also From Bro-Thomas  enjoy :-) Gods speed Lee


Branka Babic

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Re: It's all about frienship
12/27/2007 7:09:37 AM






Beryl Payton

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Re: It's all about frienship
12/28/2007 6:49:46 AM

Hi Branka,

Thank you for coming by to say hello.  You were missed my dear friend, more than you will possibly ever know.

I am so glad to have you back with us once again.  I hope you are here to remain with your friends here at Adlandpro.

It is such an honor to be able to read your gracious post and stroll into a forum and see your smiling face there.  You are a cherished friend.

Wishing you and yours a very safe, Happy and Prosperous New Year.

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Branka Babic

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Re: It's all about friendship
12/28/2007 7:07:25 AM

Hug You Beryl and thanks for so warm words.

I must tell you that one really doesn`t know  full meaning of Adland , until make a superficial decision and leave it ...

My social life in so called "real"  daily life is very intensive, so I cann`t tell that I suffer due loneliness ... But, ADLAND is something really special. And yes, I can call it my second home ... Here we attract people with whom we can share portions of our beings that are at the same resonance, what is very seldom in our "real" life ....

Judy, Terry, Joe, Neil, Janet, Dimitra,Anamaria, Adelina, Thomas, Sarah, Betty, Sami,  Gabrielle ..... you ...  WHERE COULD I FIND SO AMAZING, INCREDIBLE PEOPLE AT ONE PLACE?

I must stop at word INCREDIBLE, and mention NICK SYM ... because he is INCREDIBLE  :) ....

LOL, I can write on this theme next few days, without pause.

So, without any intention to leave Adland again, I leave you for now and bless and embrace you with love of my soul!

Gratefully yours,





Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: It's all about friendship
2/20/2009 12:22:15 PM
Hello Judy!

You are a great friend and your attitude to have peace what we all want and what we all fight for. Love and friendship are part of our life. Love is not a single feeling but an emotion built from two or more feelings. Anything vital to us creates more than one feeling, and we also have feelings about our feelings (and thoughts about our feelings)


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