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Re: It's time to celebrate the 117th POTW presentation!!!
10/22/2007 3:29:38 PM

Thank you, Thomas, for your kindness and spreading love,


Re: It's time to celebrate the 117th POTW presentation!!!
10/22/2007 3:34:25 PM

Thank you Carla for the beautiful rose and your comments.

Have a great evening,


Re: It's time to celebrate the 117th POTW presentation!!!
10/22/2007 3:37:05 PM

Wow! Thanks Beth for all your comments and graphics!

Sarah Pritchard

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Re: It's time to celebrate the 117th POTW presentation!!!
10/22/2007 3:46:47 PM

How is Miss Toad in her Toad Hall?

I just realised that you love butterflies and raise them.

Butterflies are very special to me.

Perhaps one day I'll share that story.

My hubby says that I'm obsessed by them.

It's not actually an obsession, but a deep and special love.

Anyway, I'm glad to hear that you love butterflies.

Enjoy your week,

Angel Cuddles,


Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs
Re: It's time to celebrate the 117th POTW presentation!!!
10/22/2007 3:51:33 PM

Phil, what beautiful words and graphic.


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