Hi Everyone,
Here is the latest update that I received today from Lisa regarding Elizabeth. It is very stressful and heartwrenching as you will read, and there is no signs od new cell growth showing as of yet. They have been hoping to see something by now since it has been a week since this phase of the treatment started.
Lisa, George, and Elizabeth really needs everyones prayers right now. So, please keep them all in your thoughts and prayers. Here is the update written by Lisa and George;
"No new cell growth yet. We hope to see some progress there in the next few days. Elizabeth is miserable! She did not feel like getting out of bed today at all, not even for a prize. She is refusing mouthcare...which must be done to kill the bacteria in her mouth, she has no immune system, and can not fight it herself yet. Her mouth is full of ulcers...it bleeds and hurts her alot. She still keeps a cold compress on her face for added comfort. They have increased her Fentanyl again. She had been crying out in pain, even when her pain pump was being used, so they felt she needed more. The down side is, it will slow her already shallow breathing even more. Such a balancing act...we cannot let her suffer without enough meds, but too much can cause even more problems.
I hurt with her right now. If I could take her pain away, I would. We keep waiting to hit the so called "valley" after which she will begin to feel better. I pray that it is soon. It is taking it's toll on all of us.
In the past 6 months, I have seen her go through so much. I have read and tried to prepare mentally for transplant...but no amount of reading or explanation from others can ever fully describe how miserable she feels.
It makes me hurt from the deepest reaches of my heart and soul to see her feel so bad.
As engraftment (new marrow growth) continues she will have added discomfort amd fevers. They have been drawing cultures, and so far nothing has grown from them. For this I am thankful.
She still has a long way to go. We try everyday to motivate her to try. To try and get out of bed, to walk, to laugh, to heal her spirit. We will not give up the effort to help her feel happy again.
Please keep our little girl in your hearts thoughts and prayers."
Westberry Tribe
Dear God,
I am begging you to help out my dear friends Lisa and George with their daughter Elizabeth. She is just a little girl, barely 5 years old, and too young to have to be suffering in this way already. Please help take the pain from your small, frail body and heal her body from this cancer. Please let new, good cells grow and make her whole again; heal her mouth of the sores and pain she has. We all that all things are possible through you Lord, and I am begging you to hear my prayers. Please watch over Elizath's parents, brother and the rest of the family and friends that care so much about her and feel helpless right now. Give them all the strength and courage they need to go on while You do Your will. I ask all of these things of you God...please! Amen!