There are so many named John that I can't be certan it was yours truly you were contacting. But I'll drop a line or two to you just the same.
I'm the one who's 84 and whose wife is 82. We live 23 miles west of Palm Springs, a rather notable city. We have been out here sinc Apirl of 1988, so we're closing in on our 20th year (if we live that long). Also will reach our 61st year of marriage if we make it to the end of December.
Wishing you every good thing God has in store for you.
Take care,
John Sedory [See this url if you have any interest in WWII and in those who served there. The writer of Pain & Purpose in the Pacific is Richard Carl Bright. Dick is a long time friend of mine, a retired Continental A/L captain. He retired while in Saipan and Guam and has spent 5 1/2 years researching for this book. If you just open the url you'll see more data about Dick.]