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Sarah Pritchard

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Re: Come into Mother Earth's Garden and Share Her Beauty and Abundance
4/18/2009 9:52:09 AM
Bonjour Georgi,

I wondered where you were. You usually bring some Easter contribution to the garden.

This is a wonderful contribution and I thank you.

This is indeed the

Strangest of paradoxes, and of inexplicable things!

I'm glad to have you as a friend, my dear.

Angel cuddles,


ps I'd like to put a nice graphic here for you, in return, but as it is taking ages to load the pages here today, I won't chance it.
Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs
Sarah Pritchard

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Re: Come into Mother Earth's Garden and Share Her Beauty and Abundance
4/18/2009 10:06:54 AM
My dear Sir Roger,

I'm happy to see you here again. No butterflies today?

Thank you for your kind words.

Ireland is well worth the visit.

I look up budget flights and accommodation (as a hint). When we went to Bunratty, our airfare for the two of us was 4 €uros (that's the total cost for the two of us for the flights) and I managed to get us in a 4 Star Hotel for 5 nights for about 170 €uros (can't remember exactly). As you see, when I travel I don't break the bank!!

But, I want to see as much of Mother Earth as I possibly can, while I'm in this dimension. Plan to go further afield as income allows.

I'm going back to Ireland next Friday, to Dublin. It's my hubby's 50th birthday present. We're meeting up with my biggest big sister and her hubby for a long weekend. Sadly, I didn't manage to get 4 euro flights this time, as our travelling time wasn't flexible. Sister's hubby is tied to his set times off work.

Really looking forward to seeing Dublin's fair city. It is said to be beautiful. I will be taking lots of photos.

Angel cuddles,

Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs
Sarah Pritchard

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Re: Come into Mother Earth's Garden and Share Her Beauty and Abundance
4/18/2009 11:04:19 AM
Dear sweet Myrna,

It's lovely to see you here again and you've brought a beautiful garden photo.

Did you have a look at the Edinburgh Art Festival Garden Project video? Some beautiful garden galleries! Wonderful.

Thank you, Myrna.

Angel cuddles,

Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs
Patricia Bartch

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Re: Come into Mother Earth's Garden and Share Her Beauty and Abundance
4/18/2009 11:14:34 AM

Sophie says    ~Take Time to Smell the Flowers~


Isn't this a pretty picture of my "garden"  

Thanks for a nice topic about gardens Sarah.  Your forum is VERY NICE !!  Pat

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Sarah Pritchard

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Re: Come into Mother Earth's Garden and Share Her Beauty and Abundance
4/18/2009 11:30:48 AM

I was sent a link to the World Wildlife Fund site, yesterday. I didn't realise quite how much work they do.

We live on a finite planet and sometimes our impact on it is greater than we realize. The seemingly isolated actions we take every day—from our choice of morning beverage to our choice of business practices—are often links in a chain of unusual connections we would never have imagined. Learn more about the work of Global Markets. Change the way you think. About everything.

 Global Markets
Leading change, globally

WWF has long known that our entire planet is one delicate and complex set of relationships between species, people, habitats, governments and global market forces. We also know that meaningful conservation cannot take place without focusing on all of them.

Through rigorous scientific and economic analysis, we have integrated our deep knowledge of conservation with an understanding of the global market forces that influence and challenge our natural world. WWF is transforming the most significant forces that threaten people and nature:

Climate Change
Wildlife Trade
International Finance

If you click on the link above, you can read all about each topic.

Angel cuddles,


Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs

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