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Rudy Hiebert(rudyhiebert.myamsoil.c

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Re: Whole Food Farmacy !
2/27/2008 4:12:38 PM
100% agreement with list of fruits.  Two reasons why I agree is that our  homepathic therapist recommended I use black cherry juice. The other reason is we're drinking a couple ounces of the Asai berry blend from the Amazon, produced by Mona Vie. The CD that came with the first order talked about this fruit as being the most complete food available. What do I know, accept I feel a lot better after two months.
Linda Harvey

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Re: Whole Food Farmacy !
3/6/2008 8:32:13 PM
Consume quality carbohydrates with your meals.  Examples include brown rice, wild rice, cooked oatmeal, whole-wheat bread, baked potato, and yams.

Fresh Fruits make an Awesome, healthy desert !
Linda Harvey

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Re: Whole Food Farmacy !
3/19/2008 1:32:46 PM
Preventing Ovarian Cancer

A recent study published in the November 15th, 2007, issue of the International Journal of Cancer suggests that diets high in certain flavonoid compounds found in vegetables, fruits, beans and tea may significantly lower a woman’s risk of developing ovarian cancer.

Flavonoids are a large family of antioxidant compounds known as phytochemicals. They are part of a plant’s natural defense system that helps the plant fight off disease and infection.  When consumed as food, these powerful nutrients help the human body to fight disease and infection as well by protecting cells from DNA damage.  Scientists also believe that some flavonoids may also fight cancer by regulating cell growth, fighting inflammation or by changing hormone levels.

This study looked at over 66,000 participants over a 14 year period and focused on flavonoid consumption.  Two particular flavonoids, kaempferol and luteolin appear to be particularly helpful for protection against ovarian cancer.  Kaempferol, a flavonoid found in tea, broccoli, kale and spinach along with luteolin which is found in peppers, carrots, cabbage and celery were both shown to offer significant protection against ovarian cancer.  

Women who consumed the most kaempferol enjoyed a 40% decreased risk of ovarian cancer and women who consumed the most luteolin enjoyed a 34% decreased risk when compared to women who consumed the least of these flavonoids.  Researchers also noted that a third phytochemical, myricetin, also seemed to be somewhat protective.  Myricetin is found in tea, dried beans, raisins and blueberries. 

Once again, the modern day researchers continue to confirm the wisdom of the ancients and power of whole foods to nourish the human body and to ward off disease.  How many servings of fruits and vegetables will you, your family, and your children have today? 

Visit The Wholefood Farmacy

Linda Harvey

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Re: Whole Food Farmacy !
3/21/2008 10:42:02 PM
Welcome to  Whole Food Farmacy !   LaNell and  Leslie !!!!!

Linda,  TeamLeader
Linda Harvey

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Re: Whole Food Farmacy !
3/21/2008 10:43:08 PM
WholeFoodFarmacy !

Our New TEAM Members    LaNell and Leslie !   Welcome !

Consume quality carbohydrates with your meals.  Examples include brown rice, wild rice, cooked oatmeal, whole-wheat bread, baked potato, and yams.

Fresh Fruits make an Awesome, healthy desert !

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