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Mary Hofstetter

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Panda Pointer-Keep up with Adlandpro News
10/15/2007 3:58:52 PM
THE ADLANDPRO NEWSLETTER The Adlandpro newsletter is the on line periodicial that conveys news from Adlandpro social community. Marilyn Martin is the acting editor of the bi-monthly newsletter. Our community has many featurers so it is no surprise that we also have a newsletter where all the news is featured along with some fun things to read. You can submit information to the editor Marilyn Martin in the "Letter to the Editor" section. Maybe you enjoy puzzles and would like to enter the treasure hunt contest. There is much to read to catch you up if you missed something important in Adlandpro. Where to find the newsletter: >>> All the previous newsletters >>>On your home page scroll down the menu on the left where you will find ARCHIVES. >>>You may also receive special invitations from someone on your friends list every two weeks. ****************************************************** THE ALANDPRO LEARNING CENTER <
Marilyn L Martin

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Re: Panda Pointer-Keep up with Adlandpro News
10/16/2007 9:23:55 AM

Hi Mary,

I love your Panda Pointers forum! You have soooooo much great information here for people to use. This is an extremely great idea for the newbies...there is so much to learn here when you are a new member. Thanks for a wonderful forum.

Secondly, thank you very much for letting everyone know about the Newsletter. Just one slight correction though...I am not the acting Editor...LOL! I am the Managing Editor...thanks. I forgive you this time, but next time my whip comes out!! ;)

God Bless You,

Love Marilyn

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Re: Panda Pointer-Keep up with Adlandpro News
10/16/2007 6:03:13 PM
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Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Panda Pointer-Keep up with Adlandpro News
10/16/2007 9:52:28 PM


Thanks, I can tell you read the post!  Now I will make you

 the managing editor.  Why didn't I just say you were

the editor???

Thanks for keeping us informed about happenings in

Adlandpro via the Newletter.
