Hi Bruce,
The beginning when I mentioned my father going to school in the sleigh, that was the 1930's40-'s.
My childhood and my sisters and brothers, that was the 1960-70s and early 80's. There were 3 Catholic elementary schools and one Catholic high school in that small town of Conshohocken, and 1 public elementary. There was a stronghold of Catholicism in that area, now all the elementary schools have been merged into 1 because of declining enrollment and high tuition.
The public high school I went to later was for the students of our town and 2 other towns. We had to take a bus there.
My father's values of being raised on a farm himself, that is what he carried over into raising us, he wasn't a big man but he maintained order over 6 children. We all had to help out around the house or...there was no or...there was an old thick leather belt that was always kept over a doorknob in plain sight. That was the "or else" that maintained order.