Our Own Best Efforts
At times despite our own designs And during the hurried and wildest times We forget that others cannot do Only what we want them to
So we seek for methods right To preserve our dreams delight Finding that we cannot do Things alone most always true
Wishing success on the part of all So we share the steps without withrawl We push each other to our own limits Sometimes feeling like we over do it
And those we push and help along Have their own beat, their own song As we watch their progress surpass Our own we see we've helped at last
But sometimes forget about ourselves So our own efforts sit on the shelves And await the day when we'll start living The advice we've shared, advice we've given
We all survive on our own free will And we help others as we stand still Needing to follow our own path true Forgetting how our lives must do
Our own best efforts we give to others Needing to feel of help no less Our own best efforts must be ours also Sharing with ourselves success
Kari Shinal Copyright 10-12-07