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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: Please Share Your Favorite Halloween Music Video!!
10/23/2007 5:34:17 PM

Hi Jim,

which one of those jackolanterns was Al Gore?  Have you ever listened to Rush Limbaugh?  He calls him Algore, like the monster...Igor.  Get it?  Algore's coming!  RUN!

James Wright

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Re: Please Share Your Favorite Halloween Music Video!!
10/24/2007 7:58:33 PM

Kathleen, I suppose any one of those lanterns could be Igor... LOL

I'd say it's the biggest and the brightest one!!

I'm putting in a 14 hour duty day today, and I'll be ready to drop dead when it's over, but I'm looking forward to a few more creepy surprises before halloween!

Judy Smith

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Re: Please Share Your Favorite Halloween Music Video!!
10/25/2007 9:13:08 AM

What fun!!  I enjoyed all of these.  Thanks, Kathleen.  I usually steer away from the goblins and grimlins, but these were fun - and I got to catch up with Jim who has been working an awful lot lately!!!



James Wright

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Re: Please Share Your Favorite Halloween Music Video!!
10/26/2007 4:25:31 PM

Hi Judy, I think I've flown about 15000 miles this week. I hope I don't see the cockpit of an airplane for a couple days!!    BOO to you too!! Halloween is just around the corner. I hope to see some more surprises11

James Wright

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Re: Please Share Your Favorite Halloween Music Video!!
10/28/2007 8:49:29 PM

It's Halloween!

It's scary, it's gory, it's...
