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Thomas Richmond

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Re: Some friends who need some encouraging. Michael and Shirley Caron- Thank you!
10/12/2007 7:52:04 PM
Wow how cool ladybuglady hehe, thanks for you comments! Enjoy your weekend!!
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Thomas Richmond

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Re: Some friends who need some encouraging. Michael and Shirley Caron- Thank you!
10/12/2007 8:01:37 PM
Mike, wow, and i thought i would keep a secrete for a friend who told me to keep one, i see that i kept my promise usual people. Anyway thatnks for the comments and the honesty my friend, being a "so called" Christian priest i here confessions to just about everyone i meet, that goes for in here and what you just did relieved some of my guilt in holding back in what i know as the truth in your words, thank you Mike. It truly is a relief. But  will still pray for you both and i will keep in contact as usual as well. Enjoy your weekend my friends! God_bless you guys.
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Jim Allen

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Re: Some friends who need some encouraging. Michael and Shirley Caron- Thank you!
10/12/2007 10:16:07 PM

Thomas thanks for the heads up!

There sure has been a lot of folks, show up and support you and your friends, Mike and Shirley.  A real out pouring of support.

Mike and Shirley, when the path has no surprises, no twists, no turns, no bumps, no hills and no more wrong turns and the road becomes smooth.  It means you are closer to the end of your journey.  Rejoice that your path still has some twists and turns yet to go.  You still have work to do and this is another test of your faith to one another and your beliefs.

Keep up the good pace.



May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Thomas Richmond

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Re: Some friends who need some encouraging. Michael and Shirley Caron- Thank you!
10/12/2007 10:23:29 PM
Wise words from a good friend. Thank you Jim Allen. Your doing not to bad yourself!! Enjoy your weekend buddy. God_bless you.
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Michael Caron

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Re: Some friends who need some encouraging. Michael and Shirley Caron- Thank you!
10/12/2007 11:01:13 PM
Hi Thomas,
  Where two or more gather in God's Name, so is he.  Also, friendship is a two way street.  When you confide in a friend, in essence you give that friend a burden to carry.  I could not call myself a true friend if I allowed you to let that burden become too unbearable.  Also, the word Love is a mysterious word.  I love everyone, and if a female friend from AdlandPro approaced me with her lips pursed I would glady kiss her.Where is Rina anyway????  If a man friend from AdlandPro approached me with his lips pursed, BACK OFF!!!! Sorry, I got a little bit carried away there for a moment.  Since the Bible was first written, many words that are contained in the bible have different meanings now than they did then.  It is called the Book of mysteries for good reason.  What happened to me a long time ago, and many others like me, was in no way ordered by GOD.  It is easy to forgive, however very difficult to forget. 
  It is so wonderful to see Jim in here, and while I do agree with you Jim, it would be nice to see a small patch of road become a little bit smoother if only for a short time.  I want to thank everyone for your support.  Shirley was on the computer a short time ago and was shocked when she saw this forum, (Or was that because I stuck her finger in the light socket?) She will be in tomorrow to reply.


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