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Keith Miles

225 Posts
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Re: The Fern and Bamboo
10/13/2007 6:11:01 PM
Hi Ruby, Thanks for the great story. I'll keep it in mind while I am out working on the farm! I hope this finds you well. Regards, Keith.
Ruby Garson

151 Posts
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Re: The Fern and Bamboo
10/14/2007 9:07:57 PM

Thank you Glenn, Jim, Lee & Nick for your posts.  It's nice to know I'm not alone on this forum. 

Lately I've felt like giving up, as in the story above.  So when I received it, it was a total blessing.  Like it was being written to me directly.

Thursday evening, I spent another night with chest pain, and eventually, when I couldn't get the pain to stop, I went to the Emergency Room.  Unfortunately, the doctors cannot say what is causing the pain. 

They don't even know why I had the heart attack on 14 Sept 07  Why?  Well because unlike most people who have a heart attack, I don't have any clots or blockages anywhere.  Just like when I had a stroke 6 years ago.  I'm so healthy internally, and yet I continue to have all these serious, medical conditions happening. And no one knows why...

I guess only God knows why.  Eventually I will know the reason I suppose.  And, God willing the doctors will be able to find the cause. So it doesn't continue to happen.  I've been going through test for my Gallbadder, and now they will check my thyroid and other organs to hopefully find out what is going on.

I normally have very low blood pressure and when I had the heart attack, my blood pressure rose to 214/118.  Since then, my blood pressure has been going between 135/80 - 160/95, with the blood pressure medicine. Except for thursday night, when it went up to 188/99 at the hospital with the chest pain.

Normally, before the heart attack, my pressure is only 110/60 - 125/75  or so. 

So you know,  Who knows--only God is in Charge and If he takes me, so be it.

I'm not going to worry about it any more.  I just want everyone to know I am totally blessed and I give God All the Glory. To be able to experience both a Stroke and a Heart Attack and still be here with literally no evidence that any of it has happened, is totally a miracle to me.

Thank God!

Thanks for taking the time to read this and be friends.

God Bless you all!



To Your Life Success, From Direct Response Ruby Garson Success University Get paid to be entertained! http://www.E4L.BIZ/money.htm?RubyGarson
Ruby Garson

151 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Re: The Fern and Bamboo
10/19/2007 10:33:12 PM

Thanks Keith for your post.  Sorry to miss you, I must have been writing mine, while you were posting yours.

Nice to here from you again.

God Bless


To Your Life Success, From Direct Response Ruby Garson Success University Get paid to be entertained! http://www.E4L.BIZ/money.htm?RubyGarson

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