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Amanda Martin-Shaver

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Re: It's time to vote for the 10th Photo of the Week! And come see who won the 9th Photo of the Week!
10/10/2007 2:15:27 PM
Hello John,


I voted, which was not an easy choice to select
one from all these wonderful photos.


Nan Herring

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Re: It's time to vote for the 10th Photo of the Week! And come see who won the 9th Photo of the Week!
10/10/2007 2:25:24 PM
I have voted.
Re: It's time to vote for the 10th Photo of the Week! And come see who won the 9th Photo of the Week!
10/10/2007 2:28:19 PM

Congratulations LaNell !!!  Beautiful Picture!

Thank You John !!!

Awesome Pictures once again.

I also raised an abandon Kitten from a week old, very tough job! His Name is Fido, he just turned 4 years old. 

Good Luck All !!!

JDAB and JDPP Business Builder!


Suzi Hall276-686-6286Also Please Tour!
Re: It's time to vote for the 10th Photo of the Week! And come see who won the 9th Photo of the Week!
10/10/2007 2:41:17 PM

LaNell, it looks to be an awesome place, like some I saw in Japan.

I voted and they are all good.  Joe I love ribbit.  I have leopard frogs in my pool (small one) and a toad in Toad Hall!!  Tough choices this week, thanks Pauline and John.


Phillip Black

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Re: It's time to vote for the 10th Photo of the Week! And come see who won the 9th Photo of the Week!
10/10/2007 2:57:33 PM

Thanks John.

Congratulations LaNell, Beautiful Photograph.

I've Voted.

Have A Great Week,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10