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Sarah Pritchard

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Re: Sarah Who?
10/17/2007 12:34:29 PM
Hello Dimitra,

Thanks for coming by.

Yes, I am busy (especially having a hubby too!!![lol]) but you know what they say, keeping busy makes the day go by in a happy way;

Did you visit my garden?

Hope to see you back here soon.

Angel cuddles,


Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs
Dimitra Bravou

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Re: Sarah Who?
10/17/2007 1:28:08 PM
Hi Sara,

I hope I didn't visit a wrong garden (lol). Of course I visited it, it's wonderful.



Janet Ravindran

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Re: Sarah Who?
10/19/2007 10:59:36 AM
Dear Sarah, sorry for being late - and no, I didn't receive an forum invitation but only the personal message you sent me.
Congratulations - your forum looks great and I bookmarked it already to come often :-)
Like others before said already, it's a fantastic idea to start with introducing yourself. And you did it very well( that must be the writer in you ;-) ) It's "WOW" what you manage all by yourself.
I'm very interested in healing energy myself - but I don't practise Reiki. may be we could talk about this, when we're both more free - I would love to hear more.
Now I have to rush - to read a poem and visit a garden - and I can't wait to do it now! ;-)
Many hugs and blessings,

Sarah Pritchard

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Re: Sarah Who?
10/20/2007 4:01:00 AM

No one is late coming here and everyone is welcome at any time.

I had missed your smile and 'hugs' and that is why I pm'd you.

I don't think anyone got my forum invitation.  The whole list ghosted away when I set up the forum.  Perhaps it's as Valerie said, due to Halloween coming up!

It's lovely to see you here and thank you for your encouraging words.

I'd love to share my experience of Reiki healing with you.

I'll get back to you.

Angel Cuddles & blessings, sis


Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs
Lisa Lomas

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Re: Sarah Who?
11/17/2007 1:30:30 AM
Hello Sarah,

Such a great way to let people know who you are.  Its wonderful how your into writing, I recommend you to stay with your passion.  You are so full of life its a pleasure getting to know you.

Warmest Regards
Thinking of visiting New Zealand. A must see is Hawkes Bay, Hastings.