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Joelees Wholesale

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5 reasons why u should have a camera phone(Humor)
10/4/2007 2:32:09 PM


I had to share this one sorry had me rolling  lol Enjoy ! Gods speed :-) Lee

5 reasons why u should have a camera phone

Laugh often, long and loud. Laugh until you gasp for breath. And if you have a friend who makes you laugh, spend lots and lots of time with them.

JOELEEs Wholesale

Judy Smith

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Re: 5 reasons why u should have a camera phone(Humor)
10/4/2007 3:49:38 PM

Maybe I should go get a camera phone!!!

LOL - these were funny, Lee!!!

Thanks for sharing!!


Valerie Clavin

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Re: 5 reasons why u should have a camera phone(Humor)
10/4/2007 3:57:35 PM

Oh My,

  We'll  have to be more careful in Public Judy ROTFL  I have a mobile phone camera, The only off beat pics I get is my finger prints in my pocket. LOL

Thanks for the laugh Joe


Valerie Clavin


Hugs = Priceless

Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: 5 reasons why u should have a camera phone(Humor)
10/4/2007 4:22:33 PM

Hi Lee,

I think grocery stores put sales items on the bottom shelf deliberately so people need to bend over.  I don't have a camera on my phone but sometimes I wish I did. 

Another thing, when people are doing their gardening, why do they always bend so their hineys are facing the street?  You'd think they would stand in the other direction so their backs are facing their house. 

Chuck Detore

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Re: 5 reasons why u should have a camera phone(Humor)
10/4/2007 4:42:27 PM

Hi Lee,  I have a camera in my phone, but these pics seem more like reasons to NOT have one!  I've heard the saying 'some things are better left unsaid' - Now I believe this should modified to read 'and unviewed!'

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a>


(That poor fire hydrant!) :-]  Hope my grandson doesn't see this!  Chuck

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