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Mary Hofstetter

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Panda Pointer-Squatter on your forum
10/3/2007 3:12:33 PM

PANDA POINTER--MONITORING YOUR FORUM It is always good to check over your forum on a regular basis. If someone discovers that you have 5,000 and they only have 76 friends they may decide to park a thread on your forum. This is not a wise decision on their part but many new people don't see beyond the possibility of using the friends list of someone with a huge list.

There are several ways to deal with this situation. If it is not to the subject of your forum, deleting the thread is the answer. >>Open the thread, at the bottom choose delete post on the first entry. I have composed a nice note to paste on the deletion notice. This points out to them that they are off subject of my forum or that no was invited. I also have some suggested places to post if it is an ad. Using a cut/paste answer saves time and it saves showing off ones temper if the mood should affect the forum owner. IF IT IS A LEGITIMATE POST >>Sent out a notice to all your friends list announcing the thread. The thread poster should be notified that their thread is being promoted. They can monitor and answer people. >>It is only fair that they do their share to promote the forum so you could ask them to send out the url of their post to their friends list. That means that more people will be invited. REDIRECT--sent a thread to notify people to come to another thread is a called a RE-DIRECT. Here is a sample: Terrance posted a thread on my forum asking for information about safelists. No one visited. I notified him he had to invite his friends. Then I sent an invitation to the same thread. ***********************************************************

Visit these to see how it worked: This is his post, which no one but the forum owner ever saw. Terrance created this forum to re-direct his friends: As forum owner I sent an Adlander to 1600 people. Now the thread has visitors and posters and Terrance is getting the answer to his question. ***********************************************************

It would be better to notify a forum owner if you have a thread you would like to add to the forum. They can post it and then both of you can invite people to visit. Just be sure that what you are wanting to post is to the subject of the forum . Not all forum owners will accept this proposal so don't take offense if they refuse to post it. The forum owner will be the only one to control the contents, so do choose a forum owner you trust. In the end consider just putting it on your own forum. Would love to hear your thoughts on this issue as it will help others to understand what happens when you post a thread on anothers forum.

Thomas Richmond

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Re: Panda Pointer-Squader on your forum
10/3/2007 3:37:48 PM
Great job teacher in your research in helping out the community. Keep up the good work. God_bless you. Thomas.
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John Partington

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Re: Panda Pointer-Squader on your forum
10/3/2007 4:00:32 PM

Hi Mary,

I think you mean "Squatter" ? and you already know my views on this subject, they get terminated along with a message to visit your forum on forum Etiquette.

As you know I police my forums every day, because I don't like moderated forums because of waiting to see if the forum owner approves my post or not.

Best Wishes


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Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Panda Pointer-Squader on your forum
10/3/2007 4:24:24 PM
Hi Thomas, Thanks for stopping in. Support is always appreciated by new and old alike as we continue to learn to use Adlandpro tools.
Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Panda Pointer-Squader on your forum
10/3/2007 4:32:53 PM
Hi John, My brain has been taking "leave of absences" lately. Of course you are correct and I changed the title. I feel it is the motive that sways my thinking when I find a posted thread on my forum. Just this afternoon someone posted 7 ads on my Gold Rush Advertising thread. Now that is not breaking any terms as it is designed for ads. However, where is the respect. If someone posts not understanding that they will not get visitors as no one gets invited on their new thread in my forum,I make a call on it. Are they being ignorant or trying to take advantage of my forum. The delete button is applied if it is an ad and not my business forum. If it is off subject to my forum, delete button goes into action. If the subject fits and they are willing to promote the post it can stay. i consider motive and their respect for my forum.