
Life , Heath , Wellbeing , Wealth , Family &Friends !!!
10/2/2007 7:02:57 PM

I am PULLING out ALL the stops now, CHANGE??? Each new season grows from the leftovers of the past.That is the essence of CHANGE , and CHANGE is the essence of LIFE !!! YOU can have your JERKY and YOU can eat it to.But after each piece something NICE to wash it down with comes after...It should be as HEALTY as the JERKY , or BETTER!!! Taste as GOOD as the JERKY , or BETTER!!! Be as reasonable as the JERKY , or BETTER !!! Give YOU as MUCH for your MONEY as the JERKY , OR MORE !!! RISK??? Only those who will RISK going too far can possibly find out how far ONE CAN GO !!! jttp://  

I am no one really SPECIAL in life , But I am a person who tries to LIVE,LOVE and ENJOY LIFE...I HOPE Life will let YOU continue to be the BEAUTIFULL person YOU seem to be... The Optimist Sees Opportunity In Every Danger ; The Pessimist Sees Danger In Ever
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