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Kevin Doolittle

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Re: Is Winter is for Kids or Parents??
10/2/2007 12:47:19 PM

Thanks Michael, for sharing yout thoughtw with us again.


"Helping others, to help others"

Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: Is Winter is for Kids or Parents??
10/2/2007 1:03:29 PM

Hi Michael,

I like the way snow sparkles when it's extremely cold, even if I don't like the coldness itself!  Another favorite winter scene is waking up to find every tree limb is covered in snow, after a night of heavy slow flakes.

Roger Macdivitt .

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Re: Is Winter is for Kids or Parents??
10/2/2007 2:31:53 PM


I applaud the sentiment but here is our truth in the UK for the past few years.



Winters gone by:

Roger Macdivitt, October 2007

I pray for the winters that I used to know,

When Winter brought frost and inveriably snow.

The Winters that chilled and put ice on the lakes,

the Winters whos winds the old oak tree shakes.

The Winter that made getting home to the warm,

a treat and a place to get out of the storm.


Instead we've had rain of the heaviest kind,

and the grey skies of Winter where once bright sun shined.

No frost, and no ice, but a landscape of mud,

where fields of snow are replaced by the flood.

Oh, where is the crispness that stings eyes and nose,

and leads us to stamp just to warm up our toes?


Global warming, they say, is to blame for our plight,

where is our Summer? It went overnight,

One season of rain with a hot spell or two,

or a cold snap of days, those  increasingly few.

Oh, bring back my Winters, my chance to compare,

a day in the Summer, when too hot to care.


Did that on the spur of the moment.

No contest to your writing Michael, but it might make you value what you have more.



Judy Smith

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Re: Is Winter is for Kids or Parents??
10/2/2007 3:05:32 PM

Hi Michael.

I love this poem.  It has a totally different feel to it than some of your others - it is very much more relaxed.

Thanks for sharing it, Michael!!


Michael Derowin

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Re: Is Winter is for Kids or Parents??
10/2/2007 4:25:24 PM

Hi Kari,

I am  not surprised to find that you like the scenario of children being worn out after a day in the snow. Children do find more fun in the snow compared to Adults. The kids would rather be having fun in the snow where adults like the comfort of the Indoors.

Being where you are located in Arizona now you do not get
the snow and really cold weather. The people who do not like the cold and snow would say you were lucky. People who enjoy Winter like it should be would say you are missing out on a lot of fun and memories. Personally Kari your memories of Winter will be just as good as everyone else's as memories are what we make of them.

Love, Light, and Gratitude

