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Kathy Hamilton

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Re: Just baptised at 47 yrs old. Help appreciated.
10/1/2007 11:18:21 PM

Had to come back, I love when people are saved.

I tell everyone to walk by faith not by sight. God knows our hearts.

Every day when you wake up like I do,I say lord, let this day be guided for your will not mine.Follow your heart completely, god knows what direction to take you down every minute of every day.

I am here if you ever need to chat.

Kathy Hamilton

I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Re: Just baptised at 47 yrs old. Help appreciated.
10/2/2007 9:38:52 PM

I thank you all for your replies and offers of prayers.

I am looking forward to my new life in Christ and I am ready to fight the good fight to keep it. I have already seen that when I am actively keeping the Lord formost in my mind I feel more peaceful and strong but when I revert to my old way of thinking and let my old habits start to take over I start feeling bad.

I know that God shows me the path I need to take, but It's up to me to choose the right path. All I need to do is ask for his guidance, but I find that old habits die hard. I have read about many struggles that people faced in the bible. It really makes mine look small. I need to keep that in mind.

Thanks again for all the support so far, I can really feel the power from the extra prayers!


Have a great day. Philip Thompson God bless.
Re: Just baptised at 47 yrs old. Help appreciated.
10/6/2007 11:20:33 PM

I can see that this thread is coming to an end already. Thanks again to all that responded. your help is very much appreciated. Oh, I should mention that the apostolic church is basically Pentacostal. Exactly what the differences are I dont know at this point and really dont care. I have found a religion that has lead me to Christ and for now thats all that matters.

I had a very bad day today, I was trying to put a deadbolt on my wife's back door( she just moved, we are separated for finanancial reasons but still gett along great. In fact I helped move most of her stuff and still help her all I can). First they told me the wrong bit size I would nedd, so I had to go all the way back there and get the right one. Then after everything was finally completed, it didn't work right. After checking everything three times, it seems the lock mechanism was bad. I took everything back off and headed bach to the store. the sign said they were open til 9. Well at 7:20 they were closed. I have to wait til tommorrow.

My point in all this is last month I would have been so mad and upset you wouldn't believe it. Today, even to my surprise I remained calm through it all. I can see that my life has changed so much and I love it.

Again, thanks to all. God bless you and bring you peace.

Have a great day. Philip Thompson God bless.
Pauline Raina

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Re: Just baptised at 47 yrs old. Help appreciated.
10/7/2007 10:51:31 PM
There you are Philip,

One day at a time....sweet Jesus is all Im asking from you !!! as the song goes and its my favorite !!! Keep your eyes fixed on the Cross, He has taken it all for you !! Believe Him for your miracle, and I guarantee you HE wont let you down !!!!

Stay close to those who build you up spiritually !! that will help stay focused...and yes use this thread for accountablity...we your friends and prayer partners will sure be looking forward to knowing of your progress be sure of that, I can hear an Amen already right????

Bless you Philip

in my prayers

Pauline R
Marion Tucker

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Re: Just baptised at 47 yrs old. Help appreciated.
10/8/2007 9:42:56 AM
Hi Philip,

Isn't Pauline wonderful? 

She is right, one day at a time and keep your eyes fixed on the Cross.  That is some very good advise.

I go to a Church of God which is Pentecostal church and I love it.  They do preach the word of God from the Bible.  Socialize with the people at your church and go to the Elders and Pastor for advise and prayers when you need them.  Don't be afraid to ask for help from them. 

We are here for you as well.  You can write in here or send us personal messages if you wish. 

Praying for you as well.

God Bless!

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