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Just baptised at 47 yrs old. Help appreciated.
10/1/2007 10:34:22 PM

Hello all,

My name is Philip Thompson. I was baptised on Sept 23rd. I am 47 years old and spent almost 30 years rejecting Christ and religion. Not ignoring it but actively rejecting. I have repented and asked for forgiveness(been forgiven in my opinion). I have been going to church actively for two years. (As much as I can, I have had multiple sclerosis for years.) I find myself thinking about the past and have to keep reminding myself that my life started anew on the 23rd.

I know that I have a long struggle ahead yet to stay on the right path and not let my old bad habits come back. I won't lie, I am struggling. It seems the devil doesn't want to let go too easily. I am finding it easier to reach the lord when I need help. Much easier. This helps a lot.

What I need help with is resisting the devil's temptations without asking for the lords help before I do it. It's hard to explain, but that is real hard at times. At 47 years old I am so full of bad habits that it seems to just happen and then I realize I've done wrong.

I have always felt that that asking for prayers for yourself is selfish but In this case I see no other option.  Your prayers woud be appreciated.

I have already had a few setbacks but am trying to use them as a learnig tool and trying harder to resist.

Thank you one and all!  God bless.

Have a great day. Philip Thompson God bless.
Pauline Raina

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Re: Just baptised at 47 yrs old. Help appreciated.
10/1/2007 10:47:02 PM
Hi Philip,

This is wonderful news, Im sure the angels in heaven are singing a special song !! They do at every soul that is turned over to Christ.

I understand your struggle with sin. But this is how I see it.

For one, never give up on the Faith that thru Christ you are sin free. Build on that by staying close to HIS WORD, and the Body ..that is the Church. Which Church do you go too ???
 Secondly understand that God understands that we all have been living in sin from the day we are born. And that there is nothing that we can do that buys our salvation  except the  GRACE OF GOD... !
Thirdly, understand that it is Satan's ploy to make us feel guilty about the sin..and give up on faith in God. Once you are saved, God will give you the Grace to over come the bad habits you have. For some its instant for some its an on going process. But the key word is  FAITH... you will see things happening in your life slowly but surely, and this will build up your faith even more. We do not know what plan God has for you, but TRUST  & FAITH is key.
I would say go one day at a time, and keep praying, surrendering all your weaknesses to him, he knows it....and will show you the way.

Will be keeping you in prayer never the less.

Grace and Peace to you brother in Christ !!

Pauline R

Pauline Raina

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Re: Just baptised at 47 yrs old. Help appreciated.
10/1/2007 10:58:50 PM
Its me again !!!

One more most important point...

Learn to look at your self thru the eyes of Christ....once you are saved He sees no sin in you,  and when you start to do that, the hold Sin has on your life will slowly begin to fall off.

What is in you is residual sin...the body becomes habituated to it....But as time goes, it will all be healed, as now we have the Power of the Holy Spirit working a work in us.

So keep close to the Word, and never cease praying,


Pauline R

Marion Tucker

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Re: Just baptised at 47 yrs old. Help appreciated.
10/1/2007 11:00:18 PM
Hi Philip,

First of all, congrats on being born again! 

We are all human so it is a struggle each day to resist temptation.  You must have faith that the Lord will deliver you from your old ways though.  You should pray each day to the Lord asking for help to take the old habits away.  The Lord's Prayer is a good prayer to pray as it covers a lot.  Let's pray it now -

Our Father, who art in heaven,

Hallowed be thy Name.

Thy kingdom come.

Thy will be done,

On earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our trespasses,

As we forgive those who trespass against us.

And lead us not into temptation,

But deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom,

and the power,

and the glory,

for ever and ever.


It is never selfish to ask for prayers.  Jesus died for you on the cross to wash away your sins.  Now you must have Faith that you can abide by God's commandments and tell the devil to be gone from you.  The power to do this is in you dear brother.  You just have to believe it. 

Read the Bible each day as well and watch out for wolves in sheeps clothing. 

You will be in my prayers dear brother.

God Bless You!

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Re: Just baptised at 47 yrs old. Help appreciated.
10/1/2007 11:12:09 PM

Thank you Pauline for the quick response,

The Church I go to is an Apostolic church.  Let me tell you my baptism was an earthshaking experience. I felt ready for anything at that moment. I wish that feeling had lasted longer, maybe it was the devil, or maybe it was my faith waining.

Thanks for your reminder that trust AND faith are the key. I have really been trying to concentrate on Faith. I must also remember to keep my trust in the lord that he will help me get to where I need to be. I need to keep my mind going in the right direction though, I have to resist being sidetracked.

Thank you and thank you for your prayers.


Have a great day. Philip Thompson God bless.

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