Greetings All,
Thank you Neil, for allowing me to post in your forum. My top three are a work in progress. But I can (and will, thank you) show you what I am doing full-time.
Solar Power from CitizenRE, for USA homeowners. There is "NO UP-FRONT COST" to get solar equipment from CitizenRe. Forget $20, 30, or 40 thousand dollars to get solar.
We offer you all of the advantages of solar without all of the hassles. We'll have a solar-engineer custom-design your home's system, buy all permits and licenses, and professionally install your solar power and have you up and running in 2-3 weeks on average. And NOTHING up-front except a small security deposit.
Just think; three weeks from now you can still be paying the power company who is committed to raising your rates, and destroying the planet....or,
You can be generating your OWN power, saving money AND the planet. And with our referral plan, we'll even deduct 5% of each referral's bill each month directly off of yours, up to 100% of your bill. Is that cool, or what?
So, the choice is yours. Support the power company and keep hurting the planet? Or Get your OWN power source, save money and HELP the planet.
GoTo: !
Watch the brief video starring Actor Ed Begley, Jr., then send me an email to get you started on the future of electric power for YOUR home. My contact info is on the site.
We also have an opportunity, but it's not required to get solar on your home. Details are on the site. GoTo:
Have a Great Thanksgiving with you and yours and enjoy the weekend. I'll be looking for your email... Thanks in advance!
Your Friend,
Benton Middleton, Independant Ecopreneur