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Re: Everyone - please post your top three business ventures here
10/6/2007 2:40:22 PM
Make multiple $1,000 commissions weekly, I will help you and guide you through I have a home based business to sell for only $50 that I have already built up for the past 2 months for whom wants to earn substantial income. I am looking for someone to take over my established, highly profitable home-based Internet travel business. I make 6-12 sales a month on $1,000 commission checks with this business. The travel industry just shot up to 7 billion-industry worldwide. I help you set it up and provide all the training. I've posted all the details or contact me directly or email me
Dimitra Bravou

1603 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Re: Everyone - please post your top three business ventures here
10/6/2007 2:43:25 PM
Hi Neil,

Thank you for the opportunity to share our business.

As my main business are shown in my signature below, today I'll show you a completely new one, which I think it's great for all.

Have you heard about it? Everyday we post pictures in messages, forums and blogs. Imagine to get paid for sharing your pictures with others.

Click the banner above to join for free! It's amazing.


Lee Mikules

57 Posts
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The 4 Best Places To Advertise Online
10/6/2007 2:43:56 PM

Here are the 4 best places to advertise your

your offer online . . .

Classified Ad Central

Get Web Hits

Best Ad Blaster Ever

Buyer Finder News

But what makes these the best places?

Simple. They are about bringing you

real buyers -- not just traffic.

And they are proven to work.

It cost you nothing to investigate these

and to discover all their benefits.

Use them and you will succeed.

Re: Everyone - please post your top three business ventures here
10/6/2007 2:47:50 PM
Thank you very much for this invitation.

These are my Top 3 programs:

My First:


This is a very very good program, and low costs!!!!!!!!!!


Low $2.00 Fee per 14 Days! (Auto Instalments)
Just 2 Personal Sales to break even!
2x10 Special Forced Matrix! (Unique Downline Placement Feature)
The Most Advanced PayPlan On The Net!
An Astounding 99.9% Payout!
Unlimited $0.90 Up to $75.00 Recurring Sponsor Bonus!
Unlimited $4.00 Fast Start Bonuses. Paid Instantly!
Special Rebated Prices At North Hosting
200MB WebHosting. (50 Email Accounts)
SMS Messenger PRO. Reach Just About Any Mobile Phone On Earth.
Email Provider Service. (10 alias
Anti-Spam Solution. (Stop Spam forever with MailGuard)
Your Banner & Text ADs Shown On 1000's of Websites!
And more... .

This system was designed with the members in mind of all reaching the same goal and achievements. You will not find another like it. This is Unique and one of a kind. Do Yourself A Favor and Explore every inch of this.

My Second:

Fortune 5 Minutes

Its a long term investment, one time $ 25...but it is incredible how it grows!!

Following this Trademark WealthSystem(TM) ...
All you have to do is FOCUS on your dreams and stick with it!
Here's what can happen next, IF you work the system and don't QUIT!!!
REGARDLESS of who refers them, when your 3 have 3 each, YOU get PAID!!!
You immediately receive over 10 TIMES YOUR MONEY!!!
1.  $100.00 CASH! sent directly to you!!!  How often would you like that?
2.  $20.00 PAID re-entry into F5M so you may go through AGAIN!!!
3.  $20.00 PAID entry into The $20 Miracle!
4.  $20.00 PAID entry into a 3x3 referral matrix, cycle for PAID $300.00 entry in GLAD Club!
5.  $99.00 PAID PREMIUM CCI ATM/Mastercard CA$H CARD!
6.  $5.00 Paid entry into CashDevelopment! Where you may earn additional income!
7.  As your 3 follow your lead, they  receive a $20.00 PAID entry into Your The $20 Miracle! ...
8.  You cycle The $20 Miracle!  and your re-entry back into $20M is PAID! ... and ...
9.  You receive a $99.00 PAID entry into WealthTEAM International Association!
      (Each subsequent $20M cycle pays you another $100 CASH! For LIFE!!!)
10.  Your 3 simply do as you have done and You earn and are PAID from WTIA!
11. YOU can now be PAID as often as DAILY, for the rest of your LIFE, from 5 PROGRAMS!!!
       (You are out of pocket only $20 plus $5 processing, period, ever, for LIFE!)
12. YOU could earn, in WTIA alone, over 2 MILLION DOLLARS!!!
       (This is a mathematical FACT ... NO HYPE NECESSARY!)
 (You may obtain links to these 5 affiliate programs and more from your Sponsor or F5M back office.)

My Third:


Worlds most powerful AntiOxidant is not in fruit or a Berry, ......Its in your body!!!!!

Did you know glutathione is the most powerful, prevalent antioxidant in your body? Increasing your glutathione level will naturally increase your energy, detoxify your body and strengthen your immune system.


Increasing Age and Other Factors Reduce the Body’s Production and Utilization of GSH. Research has shown that individuals who have low levels of glutathione are susceptible to chronic illness. Research shows that GSH levels decline by 8% to 12% per decade, beginning at the age of 20. Levels of glutathione are further reduced by continual stress upon the immune system such as illness, infection, and environmental toxins. As we now know, a lowered immune system can bring about illness and disease. This is a ferocious cycle. While you need glutathione for a productive immune system, a weakened immune system hampers the production of glutathione.

This is it.....



Re: Friends who are care!
10/6/2007 2:51:40 PM

Thanks Neil! It's terrific, helping others the only way to be a winner!

Attn: Hardworking Network Marketers! Make money from your marketing expertise. Be A Hero In Your Online Community! Learn More, Give Back, And Make A Name For Yourself! One Site Gives You The Best Instruction In The Industry:


Xoçai™ Products are produced with unprocessed, non-alkalized, non-lecithinized cacao powder, combined with the Acai berry and Blueberries.

The combination of these ingredients, in their natural state, provide a product that is packed full of the most powerful antioxidants!

Be Happy, Feel Great, Enjoy Chocolate!




The difference in Success or Failure is not how we Look, not how we dress, not even how we’re educated. It’s how we Think!

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