St. Genevieve, MO
Hi, Arthur!
I have NEVER wanted to confront anyone in a forum, but this "ponzi" thing is getting out of hand.
Let's "assume" ... and you know what happens when we "assume" ... that FriendsWin IS a ponzi scheme. HOW does that affect YOU? I, myself, joined because I like the "concept" and the services that will be available to me. I haven't spent a penny. No one has asked me for money. No one has threatened to cancel my membership if I don't pay. Etc., etc., etc.! If it IS a ponzi scheme, so be it!
No one put a gun to my head to make me join. I joined because I wanted to and because I wanted to help a friend in the process. That's why this is called a "community" - COMMON UNITY. If FriendsWin or AdlandPro rub you the wrong way, I think you are intelligent enough to decide on an alternative.
I was brought up with one simple rule: "If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything!"
If you don't know how to be a friend, at least don't go out of your way to create enemies. And that's the name of that tune!
Thank you.