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Thomas Richmond

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9/29/2007 6:24:08 PM
Thanks for those words. take care . God_bless you.
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Thomas Richmond

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Re: How Many Times?
9/29/2007 6:28:58 PM
Thanks for sharing your experiances with me and us my friend, being prepared for something your not un sure of makes it hard to understand, it is my experiance that you come to know God right now before its to late or you might end up hurting yourself and or others? God_bless you my friend.
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Podo Pierre

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Re: How Many Times?
9/30/2007 10:38:39 AM

Dear Brother Thomas,

this is another thrilling topic , that I describe as ' Reasonable but Understandable ' Reasonable because we live by reason on facts , which Christians consider to be  true. Even thought we may rely on our spiritual understanding to accept death as a fact or as a misery.

Jesus described death  as an Understanding- he said ' those who believe in me shall never see death' . The action between ones thought , which enables him to grow unto understanding the Spiritual concept of death , makes death a nonentity.

'Death is swallowed up in victory' Thats a key point for reflection. When does death become a victory to man or rather when does man claim victory over death. The truth is that, the Press and Radio create more death than there is worldwide.

When we stop talking about something, it disappears from our life's. When we stop talking about a past experience, it paves way for great and new ideas. When a teenage girl starts talking about a new boy friend she met, it embodies her whole life and work. When we stop talking about death, we give place to Eternal Life.

We have to make the right choices. Evil walks hand in hand with death, Courage and honesty and good deeds ,walks hand in hand with God. The latter makes death ..........................:

Pierre Louma



Thomas Richmond

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Re: How Many Times?
9/30/2007 11:52:56 AM
So true brother Pierre, thank you for your contributions, im looking foreword to a long spiritaul online friendship for awhile, brother Joe Downing, Nick Syms, Beryl,Sammy and plus two other Adland Angel friends  are all part of that, that helps me too. God_bless you. I have so many tools that have helped me to get to be a Disciple of Christ and love sharing my words with all of you, for one as i learned my ways so should my friends dont you agree? And vice versa. Your brother in Christ Thomas.
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Thomas Richmond

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Re: How Many Times?
10/1/2007 11:36:44 AM
Nick thank you for your history lesson, very cool. Now lets look for a better future? if we can lol. Enjoy your day brother. God_bless you. Thomas
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