NEW: Nullification
How To Resist Federal Tyranny in the 21st Century
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By Thomas Woods, Jr.
Think you can’t stop big government? Yes you can
Did you know the states don’t have to obey federal legislation forced on them? Virginia, Idaho, and 34 other states are fighting the federal healthcare law, Arizona is protecting its borders, and Washington State, Oklahoma, and Tennessee are fighting cap-and-trade legislation.
How? Through nullification.
In his new book, Nullification: How to Resist Federal Tyranny in the 21st Century, bestselling author Thomas E. Woods explains that nullification is the very constitutional tool the Founders envisioned to protect people from an overreaching federal government.
Often proclaimed by leftist pundits and liberal politicians to be an outdated archaic notion, Woods proves nullification is anything but—as evidence of the growing number of governors and state attorneys general who are using it today to check a government drunk on power.
Through historical writings, case studies, and speeches by the Founding Fathers, Woods builds a logical and constitutionally sound case for nullification, revealing:
- How we can roll back Obamacare, stimulus spending, and other unconstitutional expansions of federal power
- How the Founding Fathers believed that nullification was the “moderate middle ground,” not the road to secession
- Why the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution gives the states the power to nullify unconstitutional laws
- Why states—not the Supreme Court—should arbitrate disputes between the states and the federal government over the constitutionality of the federal government’s actions.
As Thomas Jefferson said, there is a “rightful remedy” to the federal government’s uncontrollable quest for power—it’s called nullification. Hardcover: 309 pages
About the Author: Thomas E. Woods, Jr., holds a bachelor’s degree in history from Harvard and his master’s, M.Phil., and Ph.D. from Columbia University. A senior fellow at the Ludwig von Mises Institute, he is the author of ten books, including the New York Times bestsellers Meltdown and The Politically Incorrect Guide™ to American History. Woods won the 50,000 first prize in the 2006 Templeton Enterprise Awards for his book The Church and the Market, and co-edited Exploring American History: From Colonial Times to 1877, an eleven-volume encyclopedia. He lives with his family in Auburn, Alabama.
Retail: 24.95 • ONLY 19.95 • ORDER ONLINE