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Jim Allen

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Re: A Plan for Future Success........ Save NOW
8/13/2008 12:06:22 AM
"Having a Family Legal Plan saved me thousands of dollars. Getting a will alone costs about $300, so if you don't have one, sign up and get yours for FREE with your $19.95 Membership! That's a $280 Savings right away!" Walter M.

Legal Counsel - When you or a family member have a legal concern, wouldn't it be great to just pick up the phone, receive legal advice and not have to worry about the cost? Well, as a member, you can do just that!

Our members have access to over 20,000 Plan attorneys that they can call any time during normal business hours (8:30 AM to 7:30 PM EST) or visit a plan attorney to get unlimited legal advice about any new legal matter and they don't have to worry about the cost.

The Plan Attorney will discuss legal questions with the member and assist them in reaching a solution to their problem. The Plan attorney can review important legal documents, draft a simple will or write letters on the member's behalf, all at no charge.

Each attorney will provide members with Seven Free Services:

Unlimited phone consultations for each new legal matter

Face to face consultations for each new legal matter

Review of important legal documents (6 page max.)

A free simple will with free annual update

Help representing you in small claims court

Write letters on the members behalf

Make phone calls on the members behalf

Capped Hourly Rate

Family Legal Plan attorneys contract to never charge more than $125.00 per hour for legal care that goes beyond the free and discounted services. No competitor in the nation can make this claim or match us.

This is where the real savings begin. After the free letters, calls and consultations take place, members and their attorneys will have to decide what course of action to take next. Find out more @Savings Highway

Tags: attorneys, contract, family, legal, plan

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

11253 Posts
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Re: A Plan for Future Success........ Save NOW , Leaders Exchange and Roadkill Marketing
8/13/2008 2:29:18 PM
Good Day to All here at THE Leaders Exchange...

As I have been playing with my new PC as of late and neglecting many of my regular duties.

I have been doing, a little email catch up, forum posting catch up, and some of my other self imposed duties.

Yes self imposed. Because I work from home, I am the one I answer to, and of course Pam. Therefore I have to be my own taskmaster. Now that doesn't mean that I have to punch a clock, but, I do have to set some regular working hours. This is important and if you join us at the Mentors Club you receive the benefits that come from associating with real live mentors. Mentors Club has helped me realize my potential. It can help you too.

While catching up I came across some awesome information from Savings Highway too! Now they have added More Benefits to an already jam-packed offering. Save, Learn, Earn and help others do the same, are good words to practice and take action on. Take 5 minutes, read the Discussion Here and you can see why I am excited. Join the SaveNOW Team

And last but definitely not least we have the ISO Tools Orientation Tonight at 9:30 PM EST. Read all about here and grab a bonus set of tools here and Join Us in the Business Network Conference Center Tonight!

Now you have some idea of my day and what stage of the day I am in. Now while writing this, I have answered multiple phone calls, made calls, provided support for the ISO Tools Team and chatted via Skype all over the world. Plus taken my dogs out and did a few household chores.

One of the hardest things to do when working from your home on Your Own time is to place a value on that time and set a personal task schedule up and follow it. You have to punch your clock to make your business grow, to the proportions you need to sustain your chosen lifestyle.

That will mean for the first few years, like any others career path will take more investment of Time, Effort (WORK) and money to achieve that level of success where your business drives itself and provides you P.R.I.M.E Income That is what we help you with here at the THE Leaders Exchange and in Chris's Roadkill Marketing Cafe is a great place to hang out and have some brain food.

To run with the big dogs you have to learn what the big dogs do.
You learn that.
By running with pack, until you are leading the pack.
Then you are the big dog.

Join THE Leaders Exchange

Join Our Save NOW Team

Chris's Roadkill Marketing Cafe is a great place to hang.

Sounds like a plan!

Jim Allen III

Tags: 'savings, ,, club, high, leaders exchange, mentors, roadkill marketers cafe, savenow, team"

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

11253 Posts
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Top 25 Poster
Person Of The Week
Re: A Plan for Future Success........ Save NOW
8/14/2008 10:39:58 AM

How Long is your commute?

Wouldn't it be nice to have a 10 second commute? Walk across the hallway and poof, you are in your office!

If you start now and stick with your business, one day you can have this kind of commute.

But, it won’t come easy and it won’t come overnight, but I can help you achieve it because I know a place where you can get 8 professional ad-free online marketing tools for FREE.

We are not a get rich quick scam. We are not an MLM. We are not going to tell you that you can make $5,000 in your first week with no effort and no work on your part.

Get your free account today and start building for your success.

The best time to plant a tree was 10 years ago...The second best time is Today!

The best time to learn how to honestly make money online is today, so in one year you are in a better position to commute 10 seconds instead of what you do now.

Your success begins with a click!


Count to 10 backwards

Did you count 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1? If yes, try again.

You can't count to 10 backwards!
You can count from 10 backwards.

This is a simple play on words and many companies use this type of deception when telling you how to make money or market your products online.

ISO is not into deception
We are into giving you Free access to the tools and resources you must have to succeed.
Check us out now…


Get the Power to Control Your Destiny

We give you the Power to Control Your Destiny!

ISO has put together a program that is guaranteed to make you money, save you time and dramatically increase your business success!

We have been developing this business since 1999. Through trial and error, good times and bad, and a lot of hard work we succeeded in creating a system that will benefit you now and well into the future.

All for FREE
* Autoresponder
* Ad and Link Tracker
* Capture Page Creator
* Lead Generation Service
* URL Rotator
* SEO and Site Submission Tools
* Run with Smart Page Technology to better manage your business

You can get the entire ISO System for FREE

Your success begins with a click!

Jim Allen III
The Hostile Redneck Marketer
If I can do it so can you!

I sure hope you take me up on this invite. 

The cost of admission at present is small
Delaying may increase your costs.
Members of my P.R.I.M.E. Income Team are very talented, knowledgeable people that have come to appreciate the core values and foundations it takes to build a thriving residual income.
We work as a collective of Master Minds.  
So be sure to reserve your position on the P.R.I.M.E. Income Team
We have a direct approach and a system that will follow through and do 95% of the work for you when operated properly.  Fortunate for you we are just putting our plans into action and you have a chance to help us test the process. 

You see like you we have been on a tightened budget and have had to find ways to grow our businesses with the least amount of expense.  Now I know you can speed this process up by dumping cash into a few places and generating some success. 

Nothing wrong with that process except, that not knowing where to place that tinder, it is hard to get a good fire going.  Unless of course you have lots of that tinder (cash) to waste.  We just feel it is better to learn where to place the tinder and then start the fire.

While here following our processes you will learn where to place the tinder to start the fire of massive success.  All along building and teaching your own team.

We also like to mix business and pleasure.  Because if it isn't fun, then you probably are not doing it right.  Many of the not so fun task can be automated.  What you don't know can be found out if you ask the right people.  Finding the right people can solve any challenge.  Below are some of the right people.

Join THE Leaders Exchange 

Join Our Save NOW Team 

Sign up everyone on your personal website... 

Chris's Roadkill Marketing Cafe is a great place to hang. 

We share with you our techniques and resources that we use to build P.R.I.M.E Income Streams.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

11253 Posts
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Top 25 Poster
Person Of The Week
Re: A Plan for Future Success........ Save NOW
8/22/2008 1:22:40 PM

Some Comparitive prices

1.  Newsletter Advertising. Put your ad in front of 25,000
    loyal subscribers to Adland Digest since 1998.
    (Price- One Time Fee)
        Five options.  $30, $35, $40, $50,  $120. Statistics $10.
    (Reseller link)

2. Submit your ad to 80,000 search directories, classifieds and
   search engines.
   (Price - One Time Fee)
       Two options (One time submission $15, Six submission during six
       month period $60)
   (Reseller link)

3. Renewable Classified ads on top of Adlandpro search results,
   plus free 500 credits for banner advertising and free submission
   to 80,000 search directories and link places.
   (Price - Monthly Subscription)
       $7.95  per month.
   (Reseller link)

4. Banner Advertising on top of Adlandpro pages.
       (Price - One Time Fee)
           Four Options ($18, $34, $66, $130)
       (Reseller link)

5.  Unlimited Follow-up - Autoresponders.
      (Price - Monthly Subscription)
         $9.5 per month
      (Reseller link)
      (More info )

6. URL Tracking tools.
      (Price - Monthly Subscription)
         $6.5 per month
      (Reseller link)

7.  Opt-In List Builder
     (Price - Monthly Subscription)
         $10.5 per month
     (Reseller link)

8. Advanced Advertising Package
    Includes items 2,3 and 3000 monthly credits for item 4, plus
    other services not offered as single items for purchase.
    (Price - Monthly Subscription)
         $14.95 per month
    (Reseller link)

9.  Gold Member. Contains all of our services packaged as one tool.
    (Price - Monthly Subscription)
         $24.95 per month
    (Reseller link)

10. PPC. Pay per click Advertising.
    (Price - One time Fee)
       Four options (  $10, $20, $40 and $80)
    (Reseller link)

11. Traffic Exchange Credits.
      (Price - One time Fee)
       Three options (  $15, $28, $52 )
    (Reseller link)

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

11253 Posts
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Top 25 Poster
Person Of The Week
Planing for Success?........ Let a Hi-TEK Redneck Help
8/22/2008 2:40:21 PM

If I can help you save money, make money and build residual income that allows you to enjoy life. 

Would you take me up on this offer? 

I want to give you $300.00 worth of gas?  That is what will happen when you become a Save Now Team Member today.



Jim Allen III

Jim Allen III

Not only that become a Gold or Platinum Member and you will receive a completely set up marketing system.  That you can use to grow your teams


Making Dreams Come True... 100% Fast Team Building Bonus... Gas Bonuses...
and Monthly Residual!

UNLIMITED INCOME potential with America's largest discount service. Get paid to help others save money on Groceries, Shopping, and more. Fun and exciting. Best to have computer with Internet Service. 

Click Here To Join Our Save Now Team! 

Clicking Link Will Open in a New Window

Everyone that Joins Savings Highway  at the Gold or Platinum Memberships and subscribes to the ULearn2Earn Save Now Team on the left side <<---- there.

Shall receive at no cost a proven income earning website and Lifetime license to our  SaveNow Team Suite of Marketing Tools.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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