Networking Nightmares - Review
I was really stunned to learned people could get sick at the idea of attending a seminar!
This report offers a real incentive to meet new friends and participate at marketing conventions to setup a network of friends. I also learned me the meaning of Anthropophobia, and how to avoid it.
It explains the real tricks of the trade to engage conversation, feel relaxed and how to get in touch with the right people in the right place away from your computer screen.
This guy should write a Dating Book :-)
David Norden ===========================
Networking Nightmares - Review
I have to hand it to David - this is lively, to the point, and an encouraging summary of the whole issue.
From "I can't face others" and "what would
I gain anyway" - through to who to sit next to and how to listen.
I had to adjust rapidly when I left the Army and became a Practice Manager for several Drs' Surgeries in a new City. I found the simple networking principles that are supported and explained in this report were vital to my success in soaking up new information and establishing myself with a local support base of
In that role I was "alone at my PC" for many hours of each day and networking saved my sanity after being used to the daily cut and thrust of a
contact environment in the Forces.
Well done, I definitely recommend this report to any newcomer to Networking and Seminars, and it should also be a reminder to "old hands" because
many of them still leave money on the table by fighting shy of new contacts and opportunities!!
John Reed
Ex Army Crackshot - Still On Target!!
I've been banging on this drum for ages and yet, still, most people think I'm exaggerating or that it's some kind of ploy.
Well, finally, someone else is saying it. So this is your opportunity to discover that this REALLY is the most important aspect of internet marketing.
Seriously, ignore the skeptics and the doom merchants on this one and just take a few minutes to consider it.
It won't cost you a cent. wishes,
Jim Allen