Hello william,
How I love you so.I can just hear you now!!!!!
Yes ok you caught me and Sandra, we are guilty, guilty to make you men think twice to maybe pay attention more to the Woman side of things.You know I talk to so many men every day and when I speak they just look at me as if honey you should really get back into your kitchen.OMG!!!, I have to get the mens attention to make sure they actually take me serious.You know the things I do are a mans world and some really do feel intimidated by me trying to take charge or control of a situation because I am anal they are not.But my thought on the men I do business with in my real life,If I waited for them to do a job, it would never get done, so I just jump in there and do there job and mine.Then they look at me smile and have to say thank you Kathy. I walk away laughing.