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Marion Tucker

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URGENT Help And Prayers Needed For Little Nate And Mom (9/27/2007)
9/27/2007 3:31:06 PM
My Dear Adland Pro Family,

I am attaching a plea from some close friends of mine.  Would very much appreciate all help you can give whether it is prayers or shopping to help pay  bills.  Let's lift this little new born and his mother up
as high as we can!

God Bless!

Heavenly Father,

Watch over your children Nathaniel, and Stasi.  Gather them into your loving arms and hold them tight.  Please grant that they may be restored to that perfect health which it is yours alone to give; through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Hello Family and friends,


First let me apologize if this is the first time you have heard about our new 1st grandbaby "Nathaniel Chase Taylor" born Sept. 7th @ 12:00 noon weight 7'11" affectionately nicknamed "slurpee". It has been a very blessed time and a stressed time. Stasi took little Nate home on Sept. 10th and was doing very well with just a little "newborn rash". Little Nate was nursing and sleeping as well as newborns sleep. The second week at home he had a terrible rash on his bottom that she couldn't get rid of and his lips were beginning to get a little chapped. He also was getting very very fussy so she took him to the pedi. to make sure he was doing ok. They put vaseline on his lips and told her to continue the ointment on his bottom that she was putting on.  Sunday after his Pedi. appointment Nate's eyes were swollen shut. Stasi and Frank took Nate to the local hospital and they were transfered from there to Egelston. The rash has turned out to be a terrible Staph infection by the name of "Scalded Face Syndrome". He is in alot of pain and very ill. It is highly contagious and mom and baby will be at the hospital at least another week if the new antibiotic begins to heal his little body.. They have called in a ENT and eye doctor to make sure his hearing and vision have not been affected by the infection. God is in control and we will lean on Him.

Stasi is a remarkable young woman! As you can imagine it is very hard for her, little Nate screams at the least amount of touch, but settles down as much as possible in his mothers arms. She herself is not healing as well as the doctors hoped and they are having to keep an eye on her closely. Please lift her up to the Lord.

I have sent you some information about a web site called 2 week old baby Nathaniel[staph. infect.scalded face syndrome]) This is very hard for us to ask but as you begin to shop for your family will you consider doing it through this web site. It has all the stores most of us shop at already and it has great deals. Stasi 's bills are pilling up and she doesn't have any idea when she will be able to return to work. Nate's immune system has been effected by this infection. And as we all know the bills do not stop due to illness. This is a wonderful way to help her and Nathaniel through your shopping they will donate to help her. The stress of money I hope will be able to be lifted through our support.

God Bless you,

Debra and Herb Gibson

proud mom, dad, grandma and granddad!

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Jim Allen

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Re: URGENT Help And Prayers Needed For Little Nate And Mom (9/27/2007)
9/27/2007 3:59:47 PM

Prayers on the way;

Heavenly Father,

Watch over your children Nathaniel, and Stasi.  Gather them into your loving arms and hold them tight.  Please grant that they may be restored to that perfect health which it is yours alone to give; through Jesus Christ our Lord.



May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
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Re: URGENT Help And Prayers Needed For Little Nate And Mom (9/27/2007)
9/27/2007 4:49:51 PM
Thank you Jim and Marion.  This is so sad, I will keep Nathaniel and Stasi in my prayers for their full recovery.


God Bless

God Bless Everyone
Re: URGENT Help And Prayers Needed For Little Nate And Mom (9/27/2007)
9/27/2007 5:48:19 PM

Little Nate and his mother will definately be in our prayers.

Best Wishes


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Leslie Combs

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Re: URGENT Help And Prayers Needed For Little Nate And Mom (9/27/2007)
9/27/2007 6:58:00 PM

Little Nate, Stasi, and their family are in my prayers for a speedy


God Bless


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