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Re: SUNDAY SHOWCASE -Featuring Sara Gardner Blow 9/23
9/23/2007 7:31:46 PM

Thank you so much Dimitra.  I am glad you read the story and yes, so many of us have gone through similar things in our lives.  I suppose the outcome and what we do with it is what counts.

If we are not friends, we should be, so I will invite.

Thank you for the Hibiscus and here is one back to you.


Re: SUNDAY SHOWCASE -Featuring Sara Gardner Blow 9/23
9/23/2007 7:35:06 PM

Hello Nick,

Yes, Thomas is amazing and with all the things he is involved with right now.  He did a great job with my very long story!!

Thank you for the note to my writing.  I used to be much better but have ceased to do much in the the past few years.

God always makes something good of any bad situation if we just let Him.


Re: SUNDAY SHOWCASE -Featuring Sara Gardner Blow 9/23
9/23/2007 7:38:05 PM

See, I get to use it again!  Thank so much Mary and I appreciate your friendship.


Re: SUNDAY SHOWCASE -Featuring Sara Gardner Blow 9/23
9/23/2007 7:42:24 PM

Jo, thank you so much.  From our POTW person of the week, I feel very honored.

My prayer is that I can offer hope and peace with God.

Thanks again,


Re: SUNDAY SHOWCASE -Featuring Sara Gardner Blow 9/23
9/23/2007 7:45:30 PM

Phil, you are such a wonderful person and bring tears to my eyes with your words.

Can we just set the world on fire with love!!

Thank you so much, my friend,



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