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Sarah Pritchard

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Re: SUNDAY SHOWCASE -Featuring Sara Gardner Blow 9/23
9/23/2007 10:14:46 AM
Bonjour Sara & Thomas,

Sara, we have the same name (almost; I've got the 'h' on the end) and we share the same sentiments:
"Everyday I thank God for each blessing He sends my way, from the smallest to the largest.  I have no time for conflicts, no room in my heart for hatred, and have never understood why people want to hurt each other.  I want to be a friend to all and enemy to none.  Yet, I know this world does not work that way but I can keep trying and do my part to help."

Let's keep trying together. The more people who try to spread love, the more success we will have and the better the world will be for it.
(I tried to change the font and size here back to black on white but I couldn't do it!).

I also live in a very old farmhouse (about 300 years old).
Old buildings have a lot of character don't they.

Enjoy your showcase.
Angel Cuddles,

ps I've just been to London & thought I'd share a piccie with you of me in the garden of Buckingham Palace.

It's a beautiful building inside and out and the oeuvres d'art are just fantastic.  Being an artist and appreciating beauty, I'm sure you'd love it in the Queen's Gallery.
Speaking of beauty, it's not a good piccie of me (lol), but the building behind is the important bit! It certainly has a lot of character.
Love you and leave you........
Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs
Neil Sperling

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Re: SUNDAY SHOWCASE -Featuring Sara Gardner Blow 9/23
9/23/2007 10:22:44 AM
Sarah - All the best and may this week be a new birth to Many Joys and Success!

Thomas- I "finally" upgraded from 98 to XP and from Dial up to High Speed - Not just High speed lite - but HIGH speed.... LOL getting with the time a little late but :-)


Dimitra Bravou

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Re: SUNDAY SHOWCASE -Featuring Sara Gardner Blow 9/23
9/23/2007 10:37:48 AM
Hello Thomas,

I read carefully Sara's story. I really felt so close to her as she describes a life that most of us have lived or live today. She deserves to be in Sunday's Showcase.


I wish everyday to be better and better for you.



Nick Grimshawe

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Re: SUNDAY SHOWCASE -Featuring Sara Gardner Blow 9/23
9/23/2007 11:07:39 AM

Hi Thomas,


Blessing to you on this beautiful Sunday morning. You never cease to amaze me with all the research you do for these articles. I love going off exploring the links too! It's nice to get a dash of history and see the connections to the people you feature.




Thank you for sharing your story. You have a natural way to writing so your story was very interesting. It's wonderful to see, in spite of all the loss you have suffered that you still have an abundant faith in life.

Keep on sharing with us all her at ALP.


Nick Grimshawe

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Mary Hannan

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Re: SUNDAY SHOWCASE -Featuring Sara Gardner Blow 9/23
9/23/2007 12:18:00 PM

Hello Thomas,
Thank you for featuring Sara! A awesome member & friend!


You friend,


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