
MASSIVE Pre-Launch:::::GUARANTEED To Make Money!:::::
9/21/2007 9:10:44 PM
The New GibLine program is now open for pre-registration
 Official launch later this month 
Here is a brief description this unique
"The bottom line is: Nobody Will Be Left Behind on this one.
It is a global straight line system so that everybody helps
everybody, no matter who sponsored them in. Every time
5 people come in, anywhere in the world to the one structure,
the person at the top cycles and then re-enters at the bottom.
We basically all take our turn getting paid but are also automatically
re-entered into the next highest level each time too. It doubles every
cycle. Starting at $50, then $100, then 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200, 6400 etc."
"Timing is of the essence. Don't get me wrong, this program will be amazing
no matter when you join, simply because every 3 months everyone re-enters
to keep it all moving. Imagine, there are 10,000 positions in the line and then
in 90 days, everyone automatically re-enters so that 10,000 more spots come
in to propel those again just to give everyone an extra boost. (happens automatically) .
I'd like to see you get in before the masses and take advantage of that 1st wave."
 Free memberships will be offered once the program officially launches. Right now members must join at either the Standard level ($50 - 1 POD) or the Pro level ($150 - 3 PODS). Make sure you understand the difference between the 2 levels of membership, especially if you intend to remain passive. You initially receive either 1 or 3 pods in GibLine #1, depending upon if you join as a Standard Member which gives you 1 pod, or as a Pro Member which gives you 3 pods in the line.
VERY IMPORTANT - To be very clear, passive members are well advised to enter at the Pro level. By doing so, you will have 3 pods and you will be fully qualified. In other words, your purchase of 3 pods means that you are relieved of the requirement to refer 2 members. It is also important to note that you will receive matching bonuses on your 2nd and 3rd pod each time they cycle. To state this in other terms, by coming in at the Pro level, the 2 additional positions or "pods" that you purchase take the place of 2 personal referrals. These positions are treated as if you referred 2 members yourself.
 This is huge!
 GibLine offers a line of internet products such as domains, hosting, email accounts, live chat services, ecommerce websites, site builders, dedicated servers and more. Every GibLine member receives their own storefront to offer these products and earn commissions. You will be able to use the GibLine tools to promote any other opportunity. More important, other social networks such as My Space and You Tube are NOT commerce sites. Conversely, GibLine is a social network primarily for business minded adults.
Email me any questions

To Our Success
Jason M. Meritt
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